Prologue: 0.1

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          3rd POV
     The mirror is blank, not a single hint of what had just happened is apparent anywhere. Surrounding the mirror are coffins, leading upwards, facing towards it. Six hooded figures walk through a set of double doors, while 2 male figures walk through behind them. They all pass by a coffin hovering over the the ground, the lid opened a smidge, and soot surrounding the edge.
     The two males lift what appears to be pens, with a gem decorating the top of each. They wave them around, and in unison, all the lids of the coffins open. As the figures inside step out, the coffins move back, and the row above them takes their place. 
     As the people step out, one of the males with the wands manages to notice the damaged coffin before it disappears with the rest. He whispers something to his older companion, who sighs but nods. The figure then walks out the way the group had entered. Said group looks at the others confused, and before they can question the man, the final row of coffins lower, and the figures step out.
     Something about this group is different from the rest. 
     The man steps forward and begins to speak. "Welcome, to the prestigious Night Raven College. I am Professor Mozus Trien, and I teach liberal arts. The headmage, Dire Crowley, is absent at the moment, but he will return. You have all been chosen for this school for your magical aptitude. Each of you will be sorted into a dorm fit for your personality and skills." 
     The mirror's face fogs up as Professor Trien steps back. A pale green mask appears before the people. People gasp in awe, some narrow their eyes in suspicion, others step back startled, and the rest just stare amazed. The mirror begins to speak, its deep voice booming for all to hear. "Welcome to Night Raven College. Here, there are seven dorms-Heartslabyul, founded on the severity of the Queen of Hearts; Savanaclaw, founded on the stubbornness of the King of Beasts; Octavinelle, founded on the pity of the Sea Witch; Scarabia, founded on the meticulous planning of the Sorcerer of the Sands; Pomefiore, founded on the heavy efforts of the Beautiful Queen; Ignihyde, founded on the perseverance of the King of the Underworld; and finally, Diasomnia,'' hushed whispers fall throughout the hall at this name, "founded on the Elegance of the Witch of Thorns. Your soul will be judged to see which one you belong to. When thou name is called, step forward for judgment." 
     The whispers had stopped as they waited for the first name to be called. "Breton Abara." The sorting ceremony has begun.

     As the terrified Zebra-beastman steps forward, a pair of gray eyes look around. They notice someone from the last group of coffins, bluish-gray eyes staring hard. A confused smile graces his face as the mirror says, "Savanaclaw!" A few scoffs and mocking chuckles befall as the poor boy steps towards his new dorm leader, who is glaring at the boy hard. The figure chuckles as well, but gives a pity wince. 
     "Jack!" He jumps as a voice harshly whispers in his ear. "Dude! What the-...wait a sec, I know ya." Jack whispers to the 'mysterious' person. They give him a deadpan look as they sarcastically whisper, "No, I'mma childhood friend of a different black an' red haired country boy named Jack. Sorry, my bad!" They roll their eyes as his own widen.
     "Opal! What the hell are ya doing here!?! NCR is for boys only! How are ya even here?!??" Jack hurriedly whispers back to her as he looks around, seeing everyone is focused on a new boy in front of the mirror named Nura Ali. "I know that ya dumbass! I dunno either. An' I don't exactly wanna be here myself!" Opal whispers, pulling the hood over her face even more than it already is. "Ya think the mirror made a mistake?" He asks. Back towards the front of the mirror announces 'Scarabia!' for Nura, and the white haired dorm leader takes his arm the second he's within reach as the two urgently whisper, only a few words like 'how' and 'not possible' and general confusion on both faces. "Obviously. I just..." Opal bites her lips as she glances around anxiously. 
     Jack's face shows pity as he gently grabs her shoulder. He notices everyone else focused on another person, and gives her a quick but gentle hug. He reassures her, "Don't worry, I'm sure once the ceremony is over, an' they notice the mirror didn't call ya, you'll be sent back home." She squeezes back just as quickly then they separate. "Ya better be right ya clown." He scoffs and playfully shoves her, the two chuckling, as the person was finished getting sorted. 
     A few seconds pass and as the new person, Morgan Ashengrotto, steps forward, a few people around Opal and Jack begin to whisper. 
     "Hey, doesn't the dorm leader for Octavinelle have the same last name?"
     "Yeah, think they're brothers?"
     "Can't be, I heard he only has a sister. Maybe they're cousins?" 
     "That's more likely."
     The duo glance at each other with wide eyes, and take a closer look at  Morgan. Their hood is up, similar to Opal. "Hey, Opal?" "I hear ya. In fact, I actually noticed somethin'." "Is it the fact that everyone that was in ya group of coffins also had their hoods up more than the rest an' that might be because ya not the only girl?" "Precisely, get outta my mind." 
     Morgan Ashengrotto hears the whispers around her, and feeling the surprised stare of her brother behind his glasses that broke his usual facade, she can't help but let out a little smirk. As the mirror reads her soul, she prays for the one her brother isn't in. But of course..."Octavinelle!" A few let out polite claps as her smirk twitches, but it stays, and she walks towards her new dorm. 
     Azul grabs her arm as she passes him and harshly whispers, "You are going back today, ok? You will not stay, this is a school for boys only, and I won't have you be the only girl here and getting harassed. Besides that, you would ruin my reputation. Do you understand, Morgan?" Despite how harshly he whispered, his face stayed calm and facing forward. Morgan ripped her arm away and stood to the side behind him, facing forward. 
     "I will not, do you understand me, Azul?" She asks back, her face just as calm and her voice just as harsh as her brothers. His face twitches but remains calm as the third person is being called forward, their conversation making them miss the two that went after her. 
     "Sylvette Ashten." A blonde boy with lilac tips narrows his eyes just the slightest. As the person steps forward, there are more whispers once again. 
    "Whoa, you think he's related to Riley and Rosalie Ashten? Or like another cousin?" 
     "I don't think either this time, that last name is more common. Though his first name is kind of feminine, no? Actually, same for that Nura dude in Scarabia."
     "Parents must have wanted a girl badly." 'That's not it you stupid potatoes.' Vil bitterly thinks as the dorm for Sylvette is called. "Pomefiore!" 
     They give a satisfied 'hmph' under their breath as they walk towards him. He stares at them, wondering if it really is just a coincidence. But then the sight of familiar pastel violet eyes caught his, and he groaned lowly, almost in a defeated way. 
     As another boy steps forward, one of the hooded figures from the last group of coffins walks up to Jack and Opal. "Hey." The two jump and turn to look at the person-nope, beastman, there's a lion's tail behind them. The figure looks around before leaning down slightly to whisper, "I know what you are." 
     Their eyes widened, and before Opal or Jack could say a word they said, "Don't worry, my lips are sealed. I'm one too." They pause, and Opal leans down to look in the hood and sure enough, it's a girl with tan skin, golden eyes and golden blonde braided hair. "And your theory is right, the others in the coffins around us are girls too." "Well, this is slightly more concernin'." Opal admits with a sigh. 
     "Do either of y'all remember what happened before ya arrived?" Jack asks as a new student went to the mirror. "Yeah, but first, what are your names?" "Opal Clément." "Jack Di Trade." "Good, we have a few. My name's Raina Drought." She kept her head forward, and the two decided to follow her lead. 
     "I remember waking up in the middle of the night at home. I don't know why, and when I was about to go back to sleep, I heard a horse outside. Horses aren't common in the Sunset Savana, so you would get my confusion. I get up to look out the window, and this is where it gets fuzzy, but I still remember it." Students with last names B step forward, and time is running out for explaining. "The green lanterns from the dark carriage glow brightly, and suddenly I can't control my body. I walk out of my house, somehow not waking anyone, and go to the carriage. When I step in front of it, I try to turn around to head back, but then the door opens by itself. I walk in, lose consciousness, and next thing I know I wake up and am here." 
     The two let out large sighs in unison, and Raina lets out a scoff. "I know, shitty huh? So Opal, what about you? Did anything I say jog your memory?" She turns to the girl in question and Opal's brows are furrowed.
     She slowly nods her head. "I do remember wakin' up in the middle of the night, an' seein' a dark carriage with horses drawin' it. But then I just remember a green foggy light, then I'm here." It's quiet around the trio before Jack says, "Hey, what time did this happen?" 
     The two girls look at each other wide eyed before another name is called forward for the mirror. "Opal Clément." She tenses for a moment, before Jack grabs her shoulder and whispers encouraging words for her. She nods, lets out a sigh, then confidently walks forward.
     As she stands before the mirror, Jack looks at Raina. "So, 'round how many girls are there?" She glanced at him and paused for a moment before answering, "Including me and Opal, eight." They let out sighs as a second later Opal's dorm was announced. "Pomefiore!" 
     Jack snickers, and as if she can hear it, turns and glares in the twos direction. She practically stomps over to her dorm, as the dorm leader gives her an up and down judgemental glance. Once she had turned around Jack started chuckling, not loud enough, but still. 
    A few people around him, including Raina stare, weirded out, as he explains to her, "If she ends up stayin' here, that dorm's gonna be hell for her, with all them pretty people an' shit." He chuckles a little louder, then sees people staring. He awkwardly coughs as everyone faces forward again. More people get called up.
      "Soooo...Sunset Savana, huh? Is it a nice place?" A pause before Raina turns to face Jack, a confused expression on her face. and he's wearing a small flirtatious smile. 
     "...Are you trying to flirt with me?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. He stutters for a second before clearing his voice and saying, "To be fair, I'd flirt with ya no matter ya gender." His grin becomes more nervous, as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. She gives him a deadpan look. "Dont'." "Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." Jack's name gets called as he says before departing, "Seriously, sorry if I-" "You didn't, just go." He nods and steps up.
     As he walks up, Opal is staring at him nervously, chewing her thumb nail. The person standing next to her looked over curiously. She notices, and silently removes her thumb, returning her face to a neutral stare. 
     A few seconds pass before the mirror calls out "Heartslabyul!" His shoulders visibly deflate as she grudges over. People smirk in amusement as Opal covers her mouth while laughing, him glaring at her in return. 
     "Raina Drought." Her face loses its amused smirk as she begins to walk towards it. Leona Kingscholar, another lion-beastman, narrows his eyes in suspicion. She copies him as she stops in front of the mirror. It speaks low enough for only Raina to hear. "The shape of thy soul is strong, resilient, courageous, and stubborn. However, you also do not trust easily. The dorm best fit for thy soul is Savanaclaw!" It announces the dorm loud enough for everyone to hear. She heads towards her dorms, and as she catches Leona's stare, he gives her a barely noticeable smirk.
     As Raina stands with the others that had been previously sorted, more students come up. One named 'Epel Flemier' caught a few people's attention. 
     Despite his appearance, you can tell in his body language he's tougher than people think. As he walks toward the mirror, he mutters to himself as he crosses both fingers, "Please not Pomefiore, please not Pomefiore, please not Pomefiore, please not-" "Pomefiore!" He lets out a disappointed, lowkey aggravated sigh, shoulders visibly dropping and face going sour. A few snicker at his expression and reaction. He, like Opal and Jack, practically stomps over to his new dorm, silently fuming. Opal nods her head, agreeing with his reaction.
     A few more students go by before another name is called that catches peoples attention. "Varina Finch." As they come up, hood hiding all their features, the whiff of something powerful passes over. Many beastmen stiffen up, and Raina slightly gaps at her. 'She smells more powerful, not as human as the others. Who and what is she?
     "Diasomnia!" A few people begin to mutter, those unsorted and sorted. But one thing is going through everyone's head. 'He's the first one to be sorted into Diasomnia.' He walks away to where no one else is standing, by himself, with no dorm leader. A few more moments of hushed whispers pass before the next student is called.
     Students keep flowing as a huge wolf-beastman is looking at the last two people from the last coffin group, their hoods still up covering their faces. His eyes are narrowed, not maliciously, but as if trying to read them. One feels his stare, the taller of the two, as they turn and look at him. He flinches, and before he can do anything, they turn back towards the significantly shorter once as they anxiously wave their hands around. The shorter one grabs them as the wolf boy hears his name. "Jack Howl!" He steps up as others part for him to get to the mirror. As the mirror reads his soul, the shorter one of the two is calming down the taller down. 
     They sign No one knows, ok? The taller one shakes their head, their breathing heavy as they sign back But he does! You see how he was staring at us?!? We'll be kicked out and have to go back there, and then-. The short one grabs their hands again, and mouth, 'relax', and then starts breathing to show them what to do. The taller one is shakily following along, their breathing becoming normal. The short one releases the tall one's hands as she signs Penthea. Relax. We'll be ok, yeah? The tall one, Penthea, nods their head. Thanks, sis. She nods her head is welcome, and the two turn back to the front as the wolf-beastman named Jack is sorted into "Savanaclaw!" He walks over to the beastmen themed dorm. 
     More students get called and sorted, and an unknown amount of minutes pass before the name "Penthea Nanos!" is called. The taller figure stiffens before the shorter one gives them an encouraging push. As he walks, people begin to whisper to each other. 
     "Hey, look how tall he is." 
     "He'd definitely be perfect for the basketball club." 
     "Did you see how he froze when his name was called though? Way too shy. He'll definitely be part of Ignihyde with that personality." 
     And just like he said-"Ignihyde!" He hastily walks towards his new dorm, pausing slightly at the sight of the floating tablet.
     The next student gets called up. "Petra Nanos!" More whispers are heard as he walks up, much more confidently than the one before. "Twins?" "Definitely, hella short unlike his twin though. But way more confident. Think he'll get into his brother's dorm?" Before anyone could answer, the dorm is called out. "Ignihyde!" 'Huh.' Everyone thinks, slightly surprised. The boy speed walks to stand next to his twin, the taller one letting out a noticeable relieved sigh.
     It's nearing the end of the ceremony. Only a few students left. And the next one called up is, "Deuce Spade!" He jolts before rushing up to the mirror, people chuckling at his excitement, a few mocking. A moment passes before the dorm "Heartslabyul!" is called. The boy barely contains his smile as he heads towards his new dorm. 
     "Ace Trappola!" The boy confidently walks up as only a moment passes before the same dorm as before is called for him. His smug smirk falls as he scoffs and walks to his new dorm. 
     Barely 10 students remained. And as they were called and sorted, the last student finally got called. "Sebek Zigvolt!" He jolts, but then composes himself and walks to the mirror. Not even a second before he is sorted into "Diasomnia!" He walks to the dorm that has the fewest new students, about 20 students, whereas the other have about 40-50. He steps beside the one named Varina, nodding in hello, as he does the same. The sorting ceremony is finally over.

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