Heartslabyul: 1.15 Pt 2

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          3rd POV
     It was the day of the Unbirthday party. Everyone was sitting at a table, talking and just overall enjoying the part. Yuu, Grim (both of who had been provided with the same outfit from the first Unbirthday Party), Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Cater sat at the longer table near the front where RIddle sits. One of the members looked at the entrance of Heartslabyul dorm before he stood up, making everyone follow as they look towards the entrance too. "Our great leader! The Crimson Ruler! Announcing Dorm Leader Riddle!" Riddle and Trey walk out of the castle as the others cheer. "Dorm Leader Riddle, hip hip hurray!"
     Riddle looks around the place with a content look, eyes shining with a hint o nervousness as he holds the tart tray in his hand. He gives a pleased sigh and says, "The roses are red, the tablecloths are white." He takes in a breath. "A perfect Unbirthday Party." He walks to his table, placing the tart down in the center as his hand moves over to the teapot. "Inside the teapot is there a sleeping..." He trails off, retracting his hand with a small, unsure smile. "Ah. Actually, it's fine without."
     Trey notices Riddle smile, and places a comforting hand on his shoulder, making him look up at Trey. "You don't have to change everything right away." Trey says with a knowing smile. "Instead of putting jam on the mouse's nose, try putting it on a scone. Change "it's worthless without" to "it would be nice to have", right?"
     Riddle's smile changes to a thankful one, nodding as Trey removes his hand. "Yeah, you're right."
     A sudden groan interrupts the two, making them look over to a slumped Ace, Deuce and Jack giving him deadpan expressions. "In the end we had to handle getting the garden cleaned up and help set up the Unbirthday Party either way."
     The two playfully roll their eyes at the red head, Jack even pretending to smack his forehead. "Calm down." Deuce says, playfully shoving Ace. "Dorm leader being back after a full recovery is what matters most."
     "The garden is back to looking super photogenic, so I'm happy. I'm #TeamVarina after how good she did." Cater says, taking a selfie with said garden in the background.
     "I'm ready to eat all this food!" Grim says, leaning on the table as he practically drools over the food.
     Yuu rolls their eyes, flicking his ear before they look over to Riddle. "Everything looks amazing Riddle. And we're glad you made a full recovery."
     He gives another thankful smile to them. "Thank you, Yuu. I'll same the same for you and DiTrade."
     Said boy gives a small, playful bow. "Yes yes, thank ya. Now!" He claps his hands and rubs them together with an excited grin. "I'm ready to-!"
     "Just a moment!"
     Everyone jumps, whipping their heads over to see Riddle pointing to a few bushes. Everyone's faces show slight panic as they question what. "Those white roses..."
     "Shit, we missed some!?" Ace whisper shouted at Deuce, who had a nervous expression.
     Cater makes a nervous noise as he whips his head over to the dumbass duo, gripping the edge of the tablecloth in a ball. "Ace, Deuce, you said you had painted them all!"
     Deuce gives an insulted look in return. "This is our fault!?"
     Trey even looked kinda nervous as he hurriedly said, "R-Riddle, this...".
     Grim whimpered, throwing himself into Yuu's arms as they hug him nervously. "Are we seriously gonna do this again? Do we need to run?"
     Jack groaned, running a hand through his hair stressfully as he turned to Riddle and practically begged, "Riddle, we'll fix it ok? Just-"
     He got cut off by Riddle covering his mouth a giggling, making everyone pause their stumbling in confusion. "Kidding. I'm not going to punish you for one or two roses."
     Everyone immediately let out a relieved sigh, Cater even wiping at his forehead. "R-really?! Thank seven!"
     Jack straightened with fake confidence and says, "I knew he wouldn't do anythin'."
     Ace leans over and whispers in his ear, "Or couldn't, he's still got his collar on."
     "I heard that." Riddle gives Ace a stern look, though very obviously not as stern as it used to be. He shook his head and gave everyone a closed eye smile. "It'll go faster if we work together anyway."
     Ace slumped back in his seat, disappointment evident on his face. "You still want them painted?!" He practically groans out, making all his fellow first years shake their head in disappointment.
     Trey chuckles at the group, crossing his arms as he tells Riddle, "That sounds like a good idea. But..." He shakes his head at himself, fixing Riddle with a proud smile. "You really have changed, Riddle."
     Riddle nods in thanks. Grim jumps from Yuu's arms and rushes towards the bushes as he calls over his shoulders. "I can't wait another second! Let's get this painting stuff over with so we can party!" He uses his magic and it turs a singular rose...blue.
     Everyone chuckles at that and they get up, walking over to the bushes. Riddle felt a hand on his shoulder hold him back, and he turned to be met with a bright light. He let out a startled yelp, before looking down and see the collar disappeared. He looked up and saw Jack standing there, wand in hand and a proud smirk on his face. "There. That outta be easier for ya now." He pats Riddle's shoulder. "Happy Unbirthday Party senpai." Jack walked away, and Riddle gave him a smile as they joined the others.

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