Prologue: 0.4

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3rd POV

The dorm leaders lead the new students to their dorms. As the step in, the older students are there waiting to check everyone out. The dorm leader's stop and turn towards the new students. "This is your new dorm, and home, for the time you are at Night Raven College." Riddle addresses his group at the end of the maze. A few would have lost their way if not for seniors redirecting them.


"While you are here, you'll listen to me, got it?" Leona glares down at his own group, as other members stand behind him. A few first years quiver under his stare, while others rise to meet it. His eyes scan the group as he sighs. "How is this group full of weaklings?" He mockingly mutters to the beastmen behind him, making them snicker and the first years he's talking about deflate.


After Azul had shown his group the dorm, he led them to another building nearby. "This," he dramatically drags his hand behind himself, "is the Monstro Lounge. Since you are part of Octavinelle, you automatically are made a worker of the Lounge." The whole group lets out disappointed groans. "But isn't that unfair labor making us work there, without even getting paid." A voice speaks up. The group looks to the front and sees Morgan. Azul doesn't miss a beat as he says, "But my dear, you should know that of course I would pay my fellow Octavinelle students, and they of course have fair work hours. I'm not a monster, and it is only fair, no?" A few students still look unsure, but they don't seem as mad as before. "Well, as long as we get paid." "Yeah, it isn't completely unfair." Morgan scoffs as Azul gives her a condescending smirk.


Kalim eagerly leads the group through the entrance of Scarabia. "So, I formally welcome you to Scarabia! Here we like to just party and have fun!" "And also complete your studies and contribute to dorm duties." A different, more silky and calm voice speaks up. Kalim and Nura jolt and say, "Jamil!" Kalim turns and gives him a smile. "This is the vice dorm leader Jamil Viper. And I'm Kalim Al Asim." "THE ELDEST PRINCE OF THE SCALDING SANDS!?!" Almost everyone cries out shocked, and a few panickly bow. "No need for that!" Kalim waves his hands and awkwardly laughs. Jamil had paused and was now staring shocked at Nura. She gives a nervous wave and chuckles.


"I'll assume that most of you know who I am. But in case you don't own a phone or magazine, I am Vil Schoenheit, dorm leader of Pomefiore." A name is finally put to the blonde haired beautiful man. Murmurs begin to spread as he continues to speak. "In this dorm I won't tolerate insulate and ugly potatoes. I will work with you until you are the definition of beauty." As he does a once over, he pauses at Opal and Epel. "Some, I'll assume, need more help than others." They both let out insulted scoffs that he pays no mind to.


The tablet that had led everyone to Ignihyde comes to a stop and drops into the hands of a blue flame haired child, who could be no less than 10. As everyone pauses in shock, he smiles at them. "Hello! My name's Ortho Shroud. My Nee-San, the voice behind the tablet you all followed, is Idia Shroud, the head dorm leader of Ignihyde! I hope you all will enjoy your stay here."


Lilia leads the group through a dark castle covered in thorns. At the entrance is a tall figure with black horns. Everyone pauses as they gasp. A baited silence fills the air before it is shattered. "Waka-sama! It is an honor to see you again! I am glad to be able to serve beside you once more!" Sebeka speaks up, bowing at a tight 90°. The people around him jump slightly, Varina letting out a low squeak. "Please stand up Sebek." Malleus says, almost sounding exasperated. "Of course Waka-sama!" Once done, Malleus spreads his arms and says, "Welcome, to Diasomnia. I will admit, it is not common to be picked for Diasomnia, despite our wide range of magical students. So consider yourselves all lucky. Follow me, and we will begin the feast."

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