Prologue: 0.7

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          3rd P.O.V
     The two arrive at the courtyard, and they see the other girls sitting on the ground near the big apple tree in the center. Nura notices them, and smiles widely, waving them over. Once they arrive she says, "Now the group is complete~. So, how about we do formal introductions to each other? Since we were a bit busy yesterday." She claps her hands together and rests her chin. The others nod their heads in agreement. "Yay! Ok, since I brought it up, I'll go first. My name is Nura Ali, in Scarabia, and I like to dance!"
     Opal slightly raises her hand to gain her attention. "Hey, quick question. I saw how you and ya dorm leader and the vice interacted before they left yesterday. How'dya know 'em?"
     "Oh, well I work as the Al-Asim's official dancer/entertainer. You know, for when guests are there and they want some entertainment, I do a show and just dance. Pretty easy money since I enjoy the job. But I'm also just their friend, even with the titles." Nura says this with a smile and shrug of her shoulder as she eats some of her food.
     "Wow! That's pretty cool!" Petra says in awe, eyes practically sparkling. "I'd dance as well, but I'm way too accident prone." She rubs the back of her neck and awkwardly chuckles. Penthea pats her shoulder with a sympathetic smile. "Well, I'm sure if you did do it, you'd be amazing." Nura says with certainty, making Petra smile at her in thanks.
     "I'll go next!. So, I'm Petra Nanos." She places a hand on her chest with a smile. "Me and Penthea, my twin despite how different we look, are in Ignihyde. And..." she trails off trying to find a fun fact about herself. She giggles and slightly blushes, looking down. "I suppose I already said two fun facts about myself." Penthea pats her shoulder again.
     "That's fine, Petra. I'll go next then. My name is Morgan Ashengrotto, I'm in Octavinelle," she said this with disdain and an eyeroll, before pausing and coughing awkwardly and smiling again, "and I suppose my fun fact is I enjoy brewing potions and learning about human things. And before the weird looks begin," she gives a playfully pointed look at Opal, who was halfway through the weird look, "I'm originally from the Coral Sea, where there are only merfolk and sea animals down there." Opal nods understandingly, taking a bite of her food.
     Sylvette looks over to Morgan with a smile and curious look. "What kind of human things?" Morgan takes a second to think about it, putting a finger on her beauty mark in thought. "I suppose mostly make-up and clothes. I admit, some of the pieces of clothes I've seen and encountered are... weird, for a better word." She lightly chuckles and looks at Sylvette. "But the make-up is always so interesting! The Coral Sea has some, but the human kind is so different. I like it."
     Sylvette looks at her in silence for a second, before she smiles giddily and turns to her fellow Pomefiore. "Opal!" Said girl jumps and coughs on her drink, looking at her with wide eyes. "Do you think Vil-Senpai would let her come with us? We could-"
     "Whoa~. I'mma hafta stop you there hun." Opal holds her hand up to interrupt, wiping her mouth. "You can do that whole make-up shit with her, but that ain't my style or preferred way to spend my day." She rolls her eyes slightly, then looks at the two dumbfounded and slightly insulted girls. She sighs, then says in a lighter tone, "But I'm sure our dorm leader would be more than happy to have her there for that." This makes Morgan smile excitedly, and Sylvette rolls her eyes good heartily. She then gestures to Opal and says, "Why don't you go next, Opal."
     Said girl gives Sylvette a deadpan look, who bats her eyes innocently. After a second, she scoffs and looks away, taking a sip to try and hide her slight blush. "Fine." She says once she puts her drink down and the blush was gone. Sylvette smiles, slightly mischievous twinkle in her eye. "So, I'm Opal Clément, Pomefiore, and I don't really like people." She glances around and quickly adds, "Nothin' on y'all. It just a personal thing." She goes to eat something before Sylvette speaks up with a teasing tone, "What about Jack? Hm~." She quickly looks up with a glare as some of the other girls let out teasing 'Oh~'s.
     "Who's that Opal?" Nura leans forward with a smug smile. "Your boy~friend~." She says with a singsong voice as Petra begins to repeatedly say 'boyfriend' while laughing, Nura and Sylvette joining as Morgan smiles teasingly. Opal leans over and wacks the two gently. Petra tries to dodge but falls right off her seat. "Shit!" She squeaks out, landing on her butt with a whine and chuckle.
     Opal eyes widen and she immediately stands with Penthea to help her up. "Shit! Sorry, I swear, that wasn't my intention! You good?" She gives her a slightly worried look as Penthea does a once over. "No worries." Petra says as she waves Penthea off, smiling. "All good. I've had worse happen." She nonchalantly sits back down with Penthea and Opal hesitantly goes back to her own spot.
     It's quiet for a moment before Raina lets out a cough. "So, back to introductions or something?" She waves her hand around in a carry on motion. "Yes!" Nura nods her head with a clap, then points to Raina with both hands and a smile. "How about you then?" Raina shrugs with a sigh and sits up slightly from her spot leaning on the ground. "Ok, I guess. I'm Raina Drought, Savanaclaw, and I'm a lioness beastman." She smiles sarcastically. "So, who's next?"
     The girls give her blank looks before they begin to protest. "No way!"
     "Give us something that's not so obvious!"
     "More details!"
     "Come on~, even Opal gave more than that!"
     "ALRIGHT! Goddamn, you people are pushy!" Raina says with a raise of her hands, an incredulous look on her face as Petra and Nura cheer. She then turns to Opal and says, "I thought you would've been on my side." All she does is shrug and smile smugly. Raina sighs and rubs the back of her neck, thinking. "I suppose...a fun fact about me" She looks down in thought, then perks up. "Oh. I'm a five time winner of an event from my home land. It's called Tamashina-Mina." She casually shrugs her shoulders as she takes a bite of her food. The girls voice their amazement.
     "That's super awesome, Raina!" Sylvette says excitedly. "If you girls don't mind, I'll go next." They shake their heads. "Ok, thanks. So, my name is Sylvette Ashten, I'm in Pomefiore like Opal, and my fun fact is that my older sister and brother are Roselle and Riley Ashten." She said this with such pride, like she didn't want to show off but because she's genuinely proud of who her family is.
     Penthea perks up and gains a curious look. She opens her mouth, before pausing and shaking her head, hanging her head. Petra glances at her and gives her a sympathetic smile. "Hey Penthea, do you want to go next?" She raises her head with a surprised look, seeing the girls look at her with innocent curiosity and Sylvette speaks with a smile. "Any fun fact you want to tel-uh." She pauses and tries again. "I mean, sign, to us?" She said this uncertainty with a slight wince. She awkwardly giggles. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Penthea hastily shakes her head no. Don't worry! You're fine, it wasn't rude. Petra translates for her with the tone she was using. "Seriously, don't worry. That was actually one of the most effort someone put into including her in a conversation." Petra speaks for herself now and Penthea ducks her head and immediately takes a sip of her drink, blushing hard as she nods.
    Sylvette has a light blush on her face as she lightly giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "Ok, thank you." "But the fact that was one of the most effort someone put into adding her is a bit sad." Nura says with a sympathetic look on her face, Morgan nodding as well. Penthea and Petra simply shrug in unison, making a few of the girls giggle.
     "Well, in that case, if Penthea doesn't have anything to say~...?" Morgan questions gesturing to said girl, who hastily shakes her head. "Well then, all that's left is you." She turns to Varina, who had been silently listening along while looking up at the apple tree until now. She looks up to see everyone looking at her, and she flushes under their stares. Penthea immediately gives her a sympathetic look. Varina looks away shyly, flushing slightly darker. She took a deep breath, but before she could say anything, the bell rang for the end of lunch. Everyone lets out groans of aggravation and despair as they begin to pick up.
     "Hey." Varina looks up to see Morgan giving her a kind smile. "Don't force yourself to talk to us if it's uncomfortable for you, ok?" Varina pauses before giving her a small smile and nodding her head in understanding and thanks. Morgan returns the nod as they finish picking up. The group returns inside as they say their byes to each other and walk back to their next classes.

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