Heartslabyul: 1.12

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          3rd POV
     Once the ink clears, Riddle is standing there, pale as a ghost, wearing a black and red dress covered in white flowers and spiky ink. An ink crown in on his head, while his hand are covered in ink that rides up his arm, and a heart marking is covering his left eye with a red flame coming front the eye. Behind him a giant ink monster with a Rosebush hand. They moved in unison, almost like puppet and puppeteer. 
     Yuu takes in deep breaths as the veins clear as well. They slowly stand by themselves as they see what happened to Riddle. They gasp, and look over to Crowley. "What just happened?!"
     His gaze whips over to them with a semi-concerned look. "To him or you? Cause what just happened to Mr.Rosehearts is," he turns back to Riddle, who has a cold expression on his face, and brings out his wand, "he is experiencing an overblot."
     Jack lets Yuu lean on him as he looks at Crowley confused, before shaking his head and says, "Well whatever's happening, right now, I feel like we need to fix that first!" He points at Riddle, who smiles coldly and begins to laugh manically. 
      Riddle swings his arms and his expression returns to anger as he shouts out, voice layered similarly to Yuu, "Those foolish enough to disobey me, I have no need of them in my world. I am the law in my world. I am the rules!" He swings his pen turned staff at the group of dorm members. "No other response than "Yes, Lord Riddle" is acceptable!! It's off with the heads of any who disobey me!" He lets out another maniacal laugh as magic forms around the tip.
     Crowley lets out an anguished cry and holds the sides of his head. "Look at this mess! One student has gone into overblot right in front of me while another that is magicless nearly fainted because of said overblot!"
     Grim was sort of hugging Yuu's neck in comfort (if anyone asked he just didn't wanna walk) before leaping onto their head to yell at Crowley, "What the hell is overblot! That guy's got a wicked air to him now!"
     Crowley lowers his hands and looks at Grim. "Overblot is a state that wizards must avoid at all cost. He's been caught up in a storm of negative energy that has made him lose control of his emotions and magic."
     Grim stares at him before admitting, "I don't really get it." Deuce raises his hand slightly as he also admits to not understanding. Ace, Jack, and Yuu nod in agreement.
     Cater groans and mutters 'crap' under his breath. He speaks up, gaining the first years attention. "In plain terms: he's fallen into a dark berserker state!"
     Trey keeps his body facing Riddle as he glances at the others, and explains a bit to calmly. "His life is in danger if he keeps using magic like this."
     "His life!!?!" Yuu catches Grim before they stumbled off his head, look at the two in concern.
      "Right now the safety of other students is the top priority."Crowley says, turning his attention to said group. "I shall evacuate the other residents." He refaces the first years. "Mr.Rosehearts must be brought back to his senses before he runs out of magic. Losing his life would be terrible, but worse than that..." He trails off as the others stare at him before he shakes his head. "Now I need you all to go get other dorm heads and teachers to assist-"
     "GAAAHHH! EAT THIS!!!" Everyone jumps as Ace shoots a blast of magic at Riddle, who dodges. Deuce pauses for a second before bringing out his own pen. "Come forth! Cauldron!" Riddle dodges to the other side before barely avoiding Grim sending a ball of fire his way.
     Riddle lets out a condescending laugh as he says, "What are you fools doing? Surely you could not think those measly attacks could not-OW, SHIT!!" He holds his shoulder that was just hit with a bucket of paint.  The monster lets out a confused roar, backing up slightly.
     Everyone looks over to where it came from to see Yuu. They had a proud smirk and say, "Those couldn't, but mine sure as hell did!"
     Everyone looks at the group shocked as Cater says, "W-w-whoa, what are you thinking!?"
     The all look at him over their shoulders as Grim says, "He's only in danger like this!!" "Not just him but everyone else too!" Yuu adds on, grabbing Grim to assists with his attacks.
     Deuce spins his pen with a serious look on his face. "I won't be able to sleep well with him like this. And..." He trails off and Ace finishes, "He still hasn't said, "I was wrong. I'm so sorry" yet!"
     Trey looks at everyone in shock. "You all." He trails off before nodding his head in understanding. "Got it! I can overwrite his magic with my doodle, even if it's not long. Finish this quickly! Headmaster," he looks at said startled man, "please work on evacuating the residents."
     Crowley shakes his head with a serious look. "Hold on just a second all of you! It's too dangerous!"
     Cater nods his head as Jack pushes away the cards around him. "That's right! What's gotten into you Trey? You know you can't beat Riddle!" The latter nods his head in agreement before adding. "That's right, none of y'all could beat him, specially like this!" "Thank you, Jack." "Which is why you'll need me ta help." 
     Cater gives him an incredulous look and says, "Now is not the time to be cocky, Jack!" 
     "I ain't bein' cocky!" He brings out with a harsh glare at Riddle, making everyone flinch at his look."I may not be have practiced magic here as long as you guys, but I know what I can do. And beating Riddle is one of 'em."
     They all stare at him in shock, before Ace smirks and nods his head in agreement. "Exactly. Besides, only challenging guys you know you can beat it too lame!" "That isn't cool at all!" Grim agrees, shaking his head so his flames in his ears fan out.
     Deuce nods his head in agreement, gripping his pen tightly. "I can't think of anything else that can bring him back to his senses quickly." 
     Yuu is holding another paint as they say, "If we can at least tire him out enough, we can hopefully help him go back to normal. That's the main thing we have to focus on. Besides, there's no going back for me now anyway."
     Trey nods his head somberly, muttering 'yeah'. "I can't lose him. I..." he looks down with guilt, gripping his pen tightly, "still have so much to tell him."
     Cater looks at them all incredulously, Crowley doing the same, before the former groans, "Aaah, shit!" He whips his pen out. "Understood. I'm really not cut out for this kind of thing!"
     "Well ya better be today, carrot." Jack teasingly says, making said "carrot" glare at him lightheartedly.
     Crowley looks between everyone before he groans. "Fine...As soon as I finish evacuating the other students I'll be back! Hold on until then!" He turns and begins ushering the rest of the students out of the dorm, leaving them to face Riddle.
     "...Is it just me, or did he agree way to easily?" "Welcome to my world."
     "This guy, that guy, you all have some nerve..." He interrupts Jack and Yuu, raising his staff with a glare as the light around his eye flares brightly. "I'll take all you heads off at once!"
     Trey backs up to be closer the others are he tells them, "RIddle's body can't keep this up. We have to stop him before it's too late..."
     Jack smirks as he spins his pen, the others looking equally as cocky. "Then let's dethrone a queen."
... Hi 😅 I have no excuse as to why I took 3 months off. I just don't and I am truly sorry you guys had to wait this long. I promise I will do better this weekend and in the future period. Pls enjoy this 🙏 *also, I will remove this once I post the other chapters*

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