Prologue: 0.11

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          3rd POV
     The rest of the week followed as normal. Students wake up, go to class, lunch (where the girls hide at their spot), visit club applications, then go do their own things. It's the end of the first week, and currently lunch.
     The girls were at their usual spots, but Nura and Varina weren't there yet. "That's odd." Sylvette says once she and Morgan arrive. "Usually those two are the first here!" "Maybe their class got held up?" Petra says with a shrug as she eats her food. "Nope. Couldn't be that, me an' Raina saw Jack right before we got here, and he's in their class." "Oh, you mean the boyfriend~." Opal rolls her eyes at Morgan as Petra laughs, then almost chokes on her food. Raina hits her back and she stops with a grateful nod.
     But then she chokes again because Nura appears out of nowhere with loud, "Hey guys!"
     Petra regains her breath and says, "WE NEED TO GET YOU A BELL, GODDAMN!!!" Nura lets out a guilty laugh as she hands her some water. "Sorry, sorry, But I bring news!"
     "Is it that you're late? Cause we can see that." Raina says, making Opal and Morgan snicker and Nura let out a sarcastic laugh. "No, it's not that. It's~..." The girls lean forward with expectant faces, making Nura giggle a bit, and say, "Our uniforms are ready!!"
     "Cool, I guess."
     "Yay~! I can't wait."
     "Yes, yes, the marvelous me has now delivered the message, so come on! Crewel-sensei said to meet him in his crafting room! Varina is already there, and I don't wanna hold him up more than we need to, so let's go!" The girls pack up their lunch and hurry to Crewel's crafting room. When they get there they see, obviously, Varina and Crewel, but they also see the Dorm Leaders-plus Ortho.
     The girls pause in the doorway, before Opal quickly exits with a "Nope!" seeing Vil. She is promptly brought back in by Raina carrying her under her arms. She shocked for a moment, before she begins to talk quickly with flushed cheeks. "Ya know, this is quite compromisin'. I mean, you're doin' this in front of people, this has to be embarrassin' for ya. And if not, it sure as hell is for me. Another thing, I'm sure your arms are gettin' tired from holdin' me, so-" She's turned around and put down next to the others, while Vil gives her an unamused look. She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Raina rolls her hand and says, "Procede."
     Crewel shrugs his shoulders and speaks up. "So, as you can see, I have asked the dorm leaders here so they may see the modifications you have made to the uniforms. But Ignihyde's and Diasomnia's dorm leaders could not be here, so the vice are instead. As you can see Varina already has hers on," he gestures to Varina, who was playing with the many zippers on the uniform, before looking up, and straightening up. Lilia lets out a low chuckle and Crewel continues, "So could you girls please change behind that door."
     The girls nod and grab their respective uniforms and leave to change. Some hesitate before they follow.

     After a moment the girls exit in their uniforms. Morgan, Sylvette, and Nura give twirls to show off, and Penthea is trying to hide in on herself. Vil gives an approved nod and a semblance of a smile. "Those look very nice ladies."
     "Agree! You all look nice!"
     The girls turn their heads to face Ortho, who was floating there with smiling eyes. A pause, before Opal points to him with a confused face and "Huh?" "Agreed, who's the kid?" Raina says with a confused head tilt.
    Petra lets out a chuckle and walks up to Ortho. "This is Ignihyde's dorm leaders little brother, Ortho Shroud. And thank you Ortho, that's very nice." She gives the boy a smile and side hug, which he eagerly returns. "No problem Petra-Chan! Oh! Also, Penthea-Chan." He floats over to Penthea, who perks up. Everyone else is just watching the interaction. He stops in front of her and hands her a box. "Me and big brother wanted to give you and Petra gifts. I had given her her gift earlier today, but you were gone before I could give you yours. So here! To compliment your uniform!"
     Penthea glances around at everyone watching her, and slightly shrinks in on herself, before she opens the box. She stares in shock in awe as she bring out what looks like a pair of headphones with four spikes, two on each side, and one over each ear. She stares for a few more moments, before she lets out a confused hum. "They're hearing aids! Designed to look like headphones, but they still work the same as your normal hearing aids! Just, bigger. See, they also have the magnetic piece that attaches to your head for you to hear. But, they also allow you to listen to music privately! They can bluetooth to your phone, and work like normal headphones would, except you can hear with these ones." He lets out a giggle, and looks up at her after explaining. "So, what do you think? Do you like them? Me and big brother worked hard on them, but please don't feel inclined to say yes-."
     She cuts his off with a laugh, covering her mouth and turning away slightly. Everyone else stares, slightly shocked, but Ortho just tilts his head confused. She composes herself and gives him a smile. Thank you, Ortho. And tell your brother thank you too please. She signs to Ortho, and Petra pauses before translating for the others
     He smiles widely, and responds while speaking so the other know what he's saying You're welcome Penthea! He had signed each letter of her name individually, and Penthea shakes her head a bit, before she points to her new hearing aids, and then makes a horns gesture with both her pointer fingers. She signs You can just do that when you're saying my name, ok? He nods his head in understanding.
     The group, who had been silently watching, turn to Petra, who had been translating, making her jump. "What?" "What does that mean, why would he just use one symbol, or whatever it is, to say her name?" Azul questions. Morgan gave him some type of look no one could decipher, before Petra answers. "Oh, because giving people a symbol when talking about them is easier and takes less time then saying their whole name." The group nods in understanding, before Crewel claps his hands and gains everyone's attention.
     "Ok, thank you for that mini sign language lesson Petra. Now, how do any of you have any problems, to tight or loose? Please, do tell me and I will fix them immediately. And, after that, you may all go back to lunch." The girls, for the most, were very happy. But Penthea and Varina avoid eye contact, both with flushed faces.
     Petra notices it, and lets out an understanding "Oh" under her breath. "Pst, you two." She gains their attention, making them walk over to her. She quietly whispers for only the both of them to hear, "Would you like me to tell Crewel-Sensei the problem? I can take a...guess." She raises an eyebrow, and Penthea covers her face, Varina simply covering her mouth, before the both of them nod.
     She nods in understanding and walks over to Crewel. "Sir." She whispers, and gestures for him to lean down once she had his attention. She whispers in his ear, and he gains and understanding look. He straightens up and addresses the group as a whole. "Thank you for you time pups. Now, go back to lunch, and I will see you all at class. And ladies, I will send you your uniforms after classes are over for the final modifications." He takes a pointed glance at those two when he said this, before he ushered the boys out and allowed the girls to change their clothes. Once they did so, they left with a bye, and the two gave him a thankful smile, which he returned. And their day continued as normal.

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