Heartslabyul: 1.10

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          Jack Di Trade POV
     "Yeah, hell ta the nah. I'd rather risk sleepin' in the forest than that hunk-a-junk." I let out a pained 'Ow' when I felt Deuce slap the back of my head. "Nah, don' look a' me an' tell me that ain't an ol' hunk-a-junk that'll fall 'part the secon' I step a single foot in dat place." I saw, very aware of how strong my accent is. 'Can't believe Yuu sleeps here! Seriously, ain't this child endangerment on Crowley's part?' I walk inside after taking a quick picture to send to the ever cruel Opal. As I look around with disgust (trust me, it ain't mild, even if Yuu has spruced it up it still looks like shit) I take note of the pile of pillows on the floor and 2 decks of playing cards on the table. "So, y'all mostly just played games last night?" I say, picking up the decks of cards and casually shuffling them together.
     "Uhhh..." I hear a sudden whimper of pain with an airy chuckle before Deuce continues, "Yep! Yep, pretty much all we did. Games and sleep!" He let out an awkward chuckle as I look at him over my shoulder with a side smirk.
     I let out an airy chuckle before I sit on the couch and hold up the cards with a raised eyebrow. "How 'bout one right now? Lil' down time before we settle down for the night."
     Everyone exchanges a glance before shrugging their shoulders and sitting down, Ace on my left with the other three on the floor. I deal out the cards for a hand of go-fish since we don't have any poker chips and I don't remember many others. I take a quick picture and send to Opal before the game starts.
     "Wait, let me guess...sent to Opal?" Yuu says with a crooked smile, resting their deck hand on their propped knee. The others let teasing chuckles and 'Oooh's like they're school kids...which they technically are, but still.
     I playfully role my eyes as I take the Joker from Ace. "Yeah, wanna show her the place she forced me to stay when she had a perfectly good couch in her dorm room." My phone dings, and I look at it.

Jester of the Court


wooooooooowwwwwwww, what a sight!


and look! Y'all even having a sleepover, how fun!

I don't know why'd you not enjoy it lmfgdao

Anyway, tell them I said sup and night

     I let out a chuckle under my breath as I shut off my phone and pay attention back to the group. "She said sup and night. Now Deuce..." I hold my hand out with a cocky grin. "Hand over 'em 2 of spades." He groans as he does just that and I laugh.
     The game continues on, me wiping the floor with them so badly that Ace accuses me of cheating. So the next round he made me join half way through...I still destroyed them. We discuss the plan while we played, and managed to finish it right after I won (again).
     Ace throws his cards and slumps in his seat like a toddler. We all laugh at him as Yuu puts the cards away. "Hey, McPouty," Yuu says as they walk up behind him and grip his shoulders, "back to the land of the living with you. I'm heading upstairs now, so you guys, please quiet down. Maybe try getting some sleep before the fight tomorrow."
     "Yes mom." Me and Ace playfully call back in unison as Deuce rolls his eyes with a lighthearted smile and gives them a nod. Ace follow Yuu until they're upstairs and he heard their door shut before whipping his head over to me, making me jump slightly. "Ok, I still have not seen any girls up close, I beg of you, please at least show me what one of the girls look like." He prayed at me as I give him and Deuce, who was looking over with slight interest, deadpan stares.
     I sigh. "Alright, gather close ya horny teenagers who ain't ever seen a girl before." I get out my phone and they sit in front of me, eagerly awaiting. I turn my phone towards them, and-
     "🎵Never gonna give you up! Never gonna🎶-"
     The rest is drowned out my their screaming and my hysterical laughing. Ace was covering his ears as he got up and was groaning loudly, meanwhile Deuce just had his head between his knees in shame. "Hahahaha! I can't believe y'all actually thought I'd do that!" I laugh so hard I fall off the couch and am gripping my stomach.
     "OI! HUSH IT!" We all jump after Yuu's yelling and look at each other like kids getting yelled at by mom.
     "...Welp, I'm ready for bed!" "Same, gotta be prepared for that fight tomorrow, right Deuce?" "Y-yep! Mean, yep, time for bed." We all immediately get on the pillows and, surprisingly, fall asleep pretty quickly.

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