Prologue: 0.2

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          3rd POV
     As almost everyone is buzzing with excitement, a red haired, short boy speaks up. “Is that all for the new student dorm assignments?” He turns to the group of students behind him. “Listen up new students. Here in Heartslabyul I am the rules. Break them, and it’s off with your head.” Jack shudders as he hears this, and he turns to the general direction of Opal to see her snickering at his misfortune. He playfully glares and mouths ‘Karma’s a bitch you know.’ All she does is shrug her shoulders.
     Leona lets out an annoyed yet tired groan rubbing the back of his neck. “This stuffy ceremony is finally over. We’re going back to the dorm. Savanaclaw, follow me.” He’s the first one of the dorm leaders to try and leave. ‘Lazy ass.’ Raina thinks with an eye roll as the others follow hesitantly.
     The next to speak is Azul. “To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to its fullest.” He crosses his arms confidently as he continues. “ As the dormitory leader of Octavinelle I will support you to the best of my ability.” Morgan pretends to cough as she says, “Fake-ass.” between the coughs. A few others around them stifle their chuckles as Azul’s expression twitches.
     Before he can speak, the blonde haired-violet tipped boy interrupts. “By the way, where did the headmaster go? Professor Trien said he would be back, but he has yet to return. Left before the ceremony even began.”
     The tablet begins to speak as well, a tired voice flowing from it. “Abandoning his post…” Penthea and Petra look at each other shocked, wide eyes.
     The white haired boy that had spoken to Nura, said person standing not too far away, speaks up. “Did he get a stomachache or something?” A door slamming open makes everyone jump, as they all turn towards the set of double doors.
     The man who had left at the beginning, the headmage, is standing there. “Not at all!” He almost sounds aggravated. In his hands were a struggling demon cat-racoon thing, wrapped up with a whip of some sorts. A few people look confused, while others are still calming down from the jump scare. The headmage walks forward, and people notice another hooded figure behind him, trailing nervously.
     “Ah, he’s here.” The red-haired dorm leader says with no worry. “I cannot believe you all.” He begins to rant, as a few of the dorm leader's roll their eyes. “We were missing one new student so I went to find them.” He turns to said new student as they try to speak. “But-”
     “You are the only one yet to be assigned a dormitory. I shall watch over the racoon, step in front of the Dark Mirror.” He orders, tightening his grip on the whip holding said, struggling, racoon. The person opens their mouth, before they just sigh and turn to the mirror.
     “State thy name.” The mirror says. Their eyes widen in recognition before they shakily answer. “Y-yuu.” “The shape of thy soul is…” Everyone waits for a dorm to be called, but it never happens. The mirror just narrows its eyes and says, “I do not know.”
     It is deadly silent before Crowley finally says, “Come again?” “I sense not a spark of magic from this one…the color, the shape, all are nothing.” Rushed whispers immediately follow as the mirror continues. Nine figures stare in utter shock, unsure how to feel. “Therefore, they are suited for no dormitory.” The mask fades before anything more could be said.
     “An Ebony Carriage would absolutely never go meet someone who can’t use magic!” Crowley says as he turns towards Yuu, voice a mix of shock and aggravation. “In one hundred years there has not once been a mistake in student selection. So why in the world…”
     Opal scoffs before she mutters to herself, “Wanna bet birdman? There’s ‘bout 8 here as we speak.” The person next to her looks over again, and Opal awkwardly coughs before turning away.
     The little cat-racoon monster struggles for another second before breaking free. “Then I’ll take their place!” It exclaims as it jumps down. People back up as Crowley says, “Stay right there! Racoon!” “It’s more like a cat though.”
     People around look over to Nura who awkwardly chuckles and says, “I’m just saying.”
     “I’m not a cat!” It yells over to them, making them back up, hands up in surrender as the demon thing turns back to Crowley. “Unlike that dumb human, I can use magic! Let me in the school instead! If you need proof I’ll show you right now!” “Everyone, get down!” The red-head yells out.
     Everyone ducks as the cat demon begins to blow fire everywhere. A group of students is saved by a wall of ice. Unfortunately, not everyone got lucky.
     “Waaaah! Hottttt! My butt’s on fire!” The white haired boy says as he runs away. True to his word, his butt is on fire. Another boy appears in front of him with a water bottle and dumps it on him. “Phew, thanks Nura!” “Thanks later, hide now!” They say and drag him behind a coffin. Others follow suit as the ice melts, revealing Morgan as the caster. Thanks are said as they rush behind coffins. Others are just running away.
     “At this rate the school will be a sea of fire!” Headmage Crowley says, avoiding the fire himself. “Somebody catch that raccoon!” “Why not you!?” Raina says from behind a coffin. “Yeah! Aren’t you the headmage!?” Morgan agrees, trying to put out the fire around her. “Because I am the headmage and I say someone catch him!!” ‘Tch! LAZY ASS BIRD!!!’ The two think to themselves, Raina with a low growl.   
     The Savanaclaw dorm leader, Leona, scoffs and says, “Suck ups.” The beautiful blonde man turns towards him and hums condescendingly. “Aren’t you good at hunting? Doesn’t it look like a nice, plump snack?” “Why me? Do it yourself.”
     Morgan glances at them with a neutral face, but her thoughts are different. ‘You have to be shitting me.
     “Crowley-sensei,” Azul begins to speak up, “please leave it to me. I’m sure the others couldn’t stomach harassing the poor creature, so I will take it upon myself.” “That’s Azul-kun for you. Always trying to earn himself points.” The floating tablet says. “More like sucking up.” Morgan says putting out a fire near the two.
     “Are you all even listening?!” Crowley says, clearly aggravated. “It’s just catching some stupid racoon. Like Raina and octo-punks brother said,” Morgan snickers to herself as she thinks, ‘Hehe, nice nickname lion boy-wait, brother!?’ “Can’t you just do it yourself, Teach.” “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m not a raccoon nor a cat! The Great Grim will become the greatest magician ever!” The cat-Grim-says as he blows more fire out.
     “It clearly has moxie.” Azul begins to speak again as he turns towards a short red-haired boy. “Care to help me, Riddle-san?” “I can’t overlook those who break the rules. Let’s hurry and get this over with.” Riddle-san says.
     “I’m gonna help.” Morgan speaks up, gaining the two's attention. She mutters to Azul, “But only to show everyone how I’m better than you.” He loses his smile and narrows his eyes. “Actually, your ice magic will be quite useful. Follow us.” Riddle says as they get out their wands, Azul letting out a barely noticeable scoff. This should be fun.

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