Heartslabyul: 1.1

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          Jack Di Trade POV
     I woke up with a start to the dorm leader yelling "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" I groan, and rub my face in irritation. 'Great seven, that boy has a voice and a temper, not a good combo.'
     I look around and see Cater and the other boy are still asleep, but Trey is awake, looking at the door in concern. Gaining a confused look, I quietly get up and walk over to him. "Pst, Trey-Senpai." I whisper, and he turns to look at me, slightly shocked. "You good man? Lookin' like ya just saw a ghost." I give him my own concerned look as I sit criss-cross on the edge of his bed.
     "Oh, Jack, hey. No, sorry, I just couldn't sleep, I'm fine." He waves his hands in reassurance. Just then a door slammed shut, making both of us jump. He takes in a deep breath, and more unsurely says, "I'm fine."
     I study his face, and I see a familiar look in his eyes, one I know to well. I don't push it and instead shrug my shoulders and stand up, stretching. "Ok, well in that case, want some water? I usually grab some when I wake up suddenly. Funnily enough, it is usually to screamin', but those of a rooster from a nearby farm, not a lil red head." I chuckle, and notice he snorts in amusement. He nods his head, and I go grab us some water.
     I come back, hand Trey his glass, and hold mine up for a toast. "To another week of school." "And new friends." I give him a slightly shocked look, only to see he was giving me a smile. I return it, and we tap our glasses together.


          3rd POV
     The next day, Cater is watching as two Heartslabyul freshmen and the magicless student, plus their demon cat, help him paint the white roses red...and fail miserably. "You guys are really more terrible at this than I could've imagined." Cater says to Ace and Yuu, pointing out the obvious.
     "Aren't the roses fine being white? They're pretty." Ace speaks up, holding a paintbrush, Riddle's signature collar around his neck. He itches at it, looking somewhat irritated. Yuu nods in agreement, finishing off their own bush.
     "This is our tradition. Roses are red for the Unbirthday Party." Cater explains as Deuce and Grim walk over, swaying in exhaustion. "And we use flamingos in seven different colors for croquet with hedgehogs as the balls."
     Yuu furrows their eyebrows and says, "That sounds a bit like animal abuse to me." Cater just shrugs his shoulders and says, "That's just how it works. But, y'know, the spring garden concert of the flowers uses white roses. That's an important point too."
     "How, we went from animals to flowers." "Those are all strange rules!" Yuu and Grim speak up, both looking irritated. "They say these rules were all decided by the Queen of Hearts from the Great Seven." Cater brings their attention back. "Riddle is particularly passionate about following the rules even compared to other strict dorm leaders. I won't deny he goes to far sometimes, though..." He rubs the back of his neck, adverting his gaze from the four.
     Ace perks up. "That's right. I don't have time for this. I want to speak to the dorm leader, is he inside?" He looks around Cater, hoping to catch a glimpse of said person.
     "Hm?" Cater tilts his head, and begins to smile coyly. "I think there's still time before he leaves..." Yuu looks at him confused and suspiciously. "By the way, Ace the tart thief, did you bring a tart of apology?" He crosses his arms as the three look at him confused, Ace letting out a confused hum. "Ah? No, I came first thing so I'm empty handed..." "Aaah noo. That so?" He rubs the back of his neck, before quickly bringing out his wand and casually twirling it through his fingers. "Since you're going against Laws of the Queen of Hearts, Number 53: "One must always return what they stole", I can't let you in the dorm." He had a peaceful smile on his face the whole time.
     Ace, however, felt anything but, as he angrily yelled out, "The hell is that!?" "I'll lose my head too if I knowingly let you in while you're not obeying the rules. I feel bad but you need to leave before Riddle notices." His eye narrowed as he stilled his pen, smile becoming more serious.
     "Whoa, his face got serious! Guys, help me out!" "Why should I?" "Please! I can't use magic right now..." While Deuce and Ace argued, Yuu rolled their eyes and quickly started to pull the back of their jackets, leading them towards the entrance. "How about we just go! Grim, come on. Thanks for wasting our time, Cater-Senpai!" They continue to pull the struggling boys as Cater cheerfully waves bye while putting his pen away, and says, "You're welcome! Now, go get a tart then try again! Bye-bye!" Grim jumps onto Yuu's shoulders. He turns, and blows a raspberry at Cater, before they leave the garden.
     Cater drops his hand, and smile as well. He lets out a sigh, before he jumps slightly as a voice suddenly joins his side. "Hey Cater-Senpai!" He turns and sees Jack holding four cans of paint. "I got the extra paint ya asked...for. I take it they're not needed though." He sets them down as he looks around at the finished rose bushes. He looks back up, and gains a concerned look. "Yo, Cater, you good man?"
     Cater coughs into his fist, and gives him a playful glare. "I was, until you almost gave me a heart attack!" He playfully whacks Jack, who lets out a startled shriek and covers his head, chuckling. "Alright, alright! Seven, sorry~. I'll wear a bell next time." They both laugh, before Jack straightens up. "But for real, was that all you needed? Because, unlike you, I don't have clones to go to my classes, so~..." "Oh, yeah! You're good to go, I'll see you later, lunch?" "Bet. Bye Cater!" "Bye Jack! Tell you're little girlfriend I said hey!" "I'm not going to see her. I'm going to see your sister." "DUDE! Low blow!" They laugh as Jack hurriedly grabs his bag and rushes to his class.

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