Chapter 21

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Chapter 21.
*2 weeks later*

I've been back home for two weeks now, no word from Harry since. I worry about his mother and him. He didn't even want to talk about the subject, it hurt me when he told me to leave. We were at such a great place.

"Megan?" I heard Liz's voice call out. Getting up from my bed I lazily walked over to the living room. "What's up?" I asked, now sitting on the couch next to her. "You still haven't told me why you left London so early." Liz said, giving me "the look". I sighed looking away from her, it was time for her to know I can't put her off forever. "We got in a fight. He told me to leave, so I did right away actually." I said, I continued to tell her everything.

After my confession on me leaving London, Liz and I just watched movies. She didn't give me her opinions or what she really thought I should do now. I could really use some advice from my sister. "I think I'm going to just go to bed now. Thanks for listening to my story earlier." I said, giving Liz a hug.

The night drifted on, and no sleep came to me. Now that I have London back on my mind I can't stop wondering how I could of solved that problem better. I missed Harry, calling him wouldn't be a bad idea right? I got off my bed and grabbed phone, pressing Harry's name on the screen I waited for him to maybe pick up. "The caller you are trying to reach is not available at the moment...." I listened to the lady's voice who just takes you to voicemail. "Hi, Harry it's me. I just wanted to check up on how things are with you and your mum. Please call me back when you can. I love and miss you." I said, the call then ended.

~The Next Morning~

I didn't wake up till 10am which is pretty late for me. Walking to the bathroom I turned the shower on and grabbed some towels from underneath the sink. I waited for the water to get warm before entering, soon I was out of the shower. Going back into my room, I headed to my closet opening the sliding doors. "Today we have a meeting, I should dress up a little." I thought to myself. After awhile of choosing, I finally got the outfit I wanted to wear.

Making my way out of my room, make-up and hair done. I went into the kitchen and made myself breakfast, then I sat down at the tiny circular table. "Good morning, Megan." Liz greeted me, she too began to make herself breakfast and joined me at the table. We both ate in silence for a little while, which soon made me irritated since Liz and I always talk.

"Why are we being very quite?" I said, laughing a little. "My breakfast is really good, sorry Megan." Liz laughed with me. Moments like this make me feel happy and somewhat normal again. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth again, then we need to leave for the meeting!" I said, and now we both are rushing out of the kitchen.

Five minutes pass and I'm back out waiting for Liz. "I'm ready! Let's go." We walked down to the car, I opened my car door and jumped into the seat. Getting my car keys out I put them into the car's ignition and we were off. The car ride to the meeting was filled with jamming to Taylor Swift and dancing at red lights. Fun times in the car with Megan and Liz. 

When we reached the building where the meeting was being held, I quickly parked. "The album meeting! Ah I can't wait." Liz said jumping up and down. Now inside the cool building saving us from Florida's humidity, we walked up to the desk that sat right in the middle.

"Hello?" I said, the lady looked up and gave us a big smile. "Hi, what's your names?" She asked. "I'm Megan, and this is Liz. We're here for a meeting with Collective Sounds." The lady typed a few words on the computer, and gave us a card with out names on it. "Go to room 33, floor 7." She said, we thanked her and left.

Off to the meeting we go!

There's chapter 21! Hope y'all will like it, tell me what you think by commenting.

I'm sorry for not being the best author to keep their word on the updating schedule. I'll try to get better at that... (:

2 votes & 2 comments?!

Till the next update my friends .


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