Chapter 22

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Chapter 22.

"I'm so sorry to say this but the label can't let you release your album." Our manager said to us, we were both devastated. "How could this happen? I thought everything was set to go!" I said a little too loud. "I know, I know. It was, but the label is closing and they can't sell any more music." That was it, the end of our album. The end of "Megan & Liz"?

"What do we do now?" Liz said, she was completely sad. We left the building quickly not wanting to hear another word about the album. "All of those songs we were going to release, are now all gone." I said, Liz sighed. "Do you think we could get some of them back?" She asked. To be completely honest who even knows if they'll let us get our songs back. "I hope so, we worked so hard on this album. Just to have it be thrown away, like trash."

The rest of the ride was suffocated by silence. All the words that we could say were just going to be out of anger, and disappointment. When we got home, I headed straight to my bedroom and went to bed. If there's anything that can get rid of anger is simply sleep.


The next day I woke up to the sun shining on my face and birds chirping. I groaned very loud, getting out of my bed and into my bathroom. Looking into the mirror my face looked awful, it was covered in smeared make-up and tear stains. When did I cry? I cleaned all the make-up off my face, and turned the shower on.

The warm water that soaked into my skin, felt very nice at the moment. It felt like nothing was wrong, but in the end the shower is just a little getaway from life. After I got dressed, I went back to my bed and watched tv for awhile. It was only 10:47am and the clock was ticking very slowly. My stomach began to growl, I got up and went into the empty kitchen.

I knocked on Liz's door after I ate, she grunted from the other side of the door. Letting that be the "come in" sign, I opened her door and saw her laying in her bed. "You okay?" I asked, she looked up at me make-up also smearing her tired face. "I can live with the album never really being released, it just makes me feel guilty our fans will never know why we can't release the album. They won't even know for awhile."

"I agree with you, Liz. It is unfair to them but there's nothing we can do right now but wait." I said grabbing her cold hands. "We're going to get through this rough patch and everything will be better soon." I said, and we both hugged for awhile.

Liz went out of her room and got some food then went back into her room. I heard my phone ringing but I was too late to get the call. Picking my phone up I looked at who called me, seeing his name made my smile grow bigger. I was going to call him back but a notification that I have 'one voicemail from Harry' stopped me. Pressing the notification I listened to Harry's voicemail. "Hey, Megan. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you in such a long time, I never meant to make you wait this long. But i've been thinking about this and I believe it's best if we end things here, and again I'm very sorry. I'll always love you."

Harry's voice went away, I just re-listened to the voicemail at least 10 more times. I just wanted to hear his voice, for maybe the last time. My mind trying to avoid the part where he broke up with me over voicemail... I just didn't want to face those feelings now. I couldn't believe we're done now, it was such a wonderful two months with him. I missed him so much, now he's gone.

I deleted his voicemail and set my phone back where it was before. Laying back on my pillows, I felt a tear fall down my cheek. The strong feeling of something heavy being pushed on you overcame me as I cried. "Megan? What's wrong?" I heard Liz say as she quickly came to my side. "Harry and I-I are d-done." I choked out, Liz gave me a big hug telling me it was going to be okay. The feeling that he was gone made me feel like he just punched a hole into me...


There's chapter 22 :) :(

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