Chapter 2

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I hope you enjoy "Dare 2.0" :)


*audio for look what you started on the side, or above depending on your device*

Chapter 2.
A couple days later I headed over to my best friends house, Mandy. We've been friends since we were in diapers. I knocked on her door, "Megan! I'm so glad you're back home!" She tells me excitedly, embracing me in a hug. "How've you been lately? How was L.A.? One day you need to take me with you." That's Mandy for you asking way too many questions. I laughed a little "Mandy, calm down. LA was amazing the crowds were wild haha, and of course you can come anytime you'd like." She smiled at me, after that we watched movies and tried to "bake" some cupcakes but they just ended up going into the trash can.

It started getting late and I needed to get some groceries. Saying a goodbye to Mandy I left to go to the store. The downtown supermarket wasn't packed at all and I was glad about that. I entered and got the food items Liz and I would need for the next couple of days before we leave again.

An hour passed by and I was checking out, giving my stuff to the cashier to scan. The price coming out at a fine $34.45. "Excuse me, miss?" A finger tapped my shoulder I looked over to see a handsome man. "Um...yes?" I quickly replied after gawking at him. Hopefully he didn't notice. "I'm Daniel, music producer. I've heard about you and your sister Liz? I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me, and maybe talk about moving with my label?" He said, I blanked at his offer and replied "Sure, when would you like this meeting?" He wrote down some information for where we will meet and his phone number.

I left the store and headed back home. Grabbing the bags of groceries and I went up the stairs to the fourth floor. "Liz! Liz! Guess what happened to me at the store." I yelled out, but no reply she must be out with one of her friends I guess. The bag full of food wasn't going to unpack itself.

It was 10:00pm and Liz still wasn't home. I didn't worry much about it and went to bed.

I woke up to my Monday alarm, lazily getting out of my comfy bed. Walking to the bathroom I got ready for the day, have a lot of meetings today with our label and going to the studio to record some new stuff. I went to Liz's room and knocked on the door. "Hey Liz we gotta go to the record label soon." I pushed her door open to find her fast asleep.

After multiple times I finally got her awake. We were off to the record label for a long lists of stuff to do. That's Monday for you a big slap of pain in the ass. The building was soon coming into view, I found a parking spot nearish to the door. We got out and headed to the right floor. "Hey Andy, where's the meeting about our tour at?" I asked the lady at the front desk, "Straight down the hallway, and then it's the first room on your left." She told us. I thanked her and we walked to the room. It was empty, except for the drinks and snacks that were in there skipping breakfast wasn't such a great idea.

*2 hours later*

All the meetings were done, thankfully they didn't drag as much as others in the past. Liz and I were about to record a couple songs now.

The track for the song "Look What You Started" started playing. (Audio above or on the side)


It's like i'm sleeping and this is a dream
It's like a movie, cut to the love scene
We're going so fast, I think that's fast enough

It's just the first date, don't wanna fall yet
It's just a crush, hey, how bad could it get?
I said there's no way I'd ever fall in love
Whoa, but I confess...

Singing is like an escape for me, I feel alive and free. It's an unbelievable amazing feeling. Getting to sing with my sister someone I've been with my whole life tops the cake, we are forever inseparable. We get to inspire many of our fans with the music we write. And that's the best feeling knowing someone out there is listening to our music and getting to escape from this world just for a little bit.


There's chapter 2! :)

Updating tomorrow maybe?


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