Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.
Our dinner with Daniel was tonight. We gotta make sure to impress him even more to want us in his label, he's worked with many amazing people. I took out the note he gave me looking at the address.

Liz and I soon left the apartment and went to the downtown Olive Garden. "Wow, this place is packed!" Liz said, I nodded. Very odd it isn't usually this packed. I looked around for Daniel but didn't find him.

We went inside and asked for a table having a 40 minute wait due to the huge amount of people here. I sat down on the bench in the waiting area, scrolling on my phones screen. "Hello, Megan, Liz." I looked up to see Daniel shaking hands with Liz. "I wasn't sure you'd show up." I said with a laugh. "We couldn't find a parking spot. This place is very packed." He told us. Daniel introduced us to his close friend Robert who also worked at his label, and helped write songs sometimes.

Finally after waiting forever we got seated. Many laughs and talks about our career. Soon finishing our food we departed with the lovely men. "How do you think it went?" I asked anxiously. "I think it went well. Daniel and Robert seemed to like us. Daniel definitely was gawking at you though." Liz said to me while laughing. I gave her the most evilest glare I could muster, "Oh, shut up! No he wasn't! It was all professional Liz." I said to her. "Ask the salad!" Liz yelled laughed, I shoved her lightly.

The whole ride home Liz kept describing Daniel's "gawking" at me. Oh, Liz you just gotta love her. "Good night!" We both yelled at each other.

The next day I got an email from Daniel's label saying they'd love to meet with us again and discuss further arrangements. I smiled at the email replying to them. Today we leave again to go to New York, for the state fair where we will perform. I'm beyond excited to go the people, food, and energy of New York is amazing.


"Liz! Sound-check is in two hours. We gotta start getting ready to go." I said to my sister who was lounging on the bed flipping the TV channel for the 100th time. I went into the hotel bathroom and started getting ready.

*the twins outfits on the side or above depending on your device*

"Hey, Megan there's no more towels can you go get some more downstairs?" Liz yelled. "Sure!" I yelled back. I left the room and went down the long hallway, pulling out my phone I read more of my emails from Daniel's label. And this is where I learn never to walk with your phone down a hallway so then you won't bump into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there." I said to the man in a very large hoody. "It's fine. I must be going now." He said with his British accent, passing by me. "Um...wait! What's your name?" I asked. He turned around and simply said, "Harry." Then he left.

I shrugged the weird incident off and headed down to the lobby for more towels.

That's chapter 3! Short sadly :(
But, I introduced Harry (:

Updating tomorrow.


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