Chapter 6

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Chapter 6.
"Turn your face a little to the left Megan." The photographer, George, told me. "Ah! Perfect." He said very happily. A couple more shots of me and it was Liz's turn. "Okay gorgeous thank you. Liz it's your turn!" George said and Liz came in and took my place. I sat down watching Liz pose for the camera.

After Liz was done we looked at the pictures telling George which ones we liked and didn't quite like. George gave us both a hug and left us to get ready to leave the shoot. My phone buzzed looking at the device it was a text from Harry and Daniel.

From: Harry

Hey, would you like to take a walk in the park with me later? xx

I replied with a quick sure and a smiley face. Daniel's text to me were just for meetings he had planned for when we return to Florida. I turn my phone off and changed out of the sparkly clothing that itched so much.

Grabbing my car keys I headed out to the parking lot. Liz had some stuff she had to take care of so I dropped her off and headed back to the hotel.

I redid my make-up that had a lot of black because of the photo-shoot soon, I heard a knock on the door. Looking through the peep hole I saw a tall curly haired Harry. Opening the door, "Hey Megan, are you ready to go?" He asked me. "Almost I just gotta put my shoes on." I said, and he nodded.

"You can come in." I said. Harry was hesitant at first but then came inside and watched me put my shoes on.

Then we left for the park. We got into Harry's car and drove to the park that was far from the hotel. "We're here." Harry told me getting out.

I opened the door and we walked into the park filled with trees and children running around with freedom in their eyes. "So, tell me a little about yourself." He asked me. "Well, I'm a singer. I sing with my twin sister Liz and were in New York for some photo-shoots and meetings." I told him. "Sing for me?" Harry asked with puppy eyes. "Here?" I said with a laugh. He nodded still giving me those puppy eyes.

I sang a little part of one our songs. (Song: Run Away) "I'm ready to go, I'm ready to climb. I've quietly been reading your mind. I don't need a thing, I'm writing a book,
The story's really got me hooked..." I sang to him with a couple people staring at us making me blush a little.

He looked at me in awe. "Your voice is amazing Megan!" He complimented me. I smiled mumbling a thank you to him. After that we talked for hours in the park telling each other about our journeys and travels. I really liked Harry he was easy-going and just a really funny guy. This complete, mysterious stranger I literally just met 48 hours ago feels like a best friend I've know for a long time.

It started getting late, and both our phones started buzzing like crazy. "We should probably get going." I said, Harry agreeing. We left the beautiful park and headed back to the hotel. Harry walked me to the hotel door giving me a tiny hug and telling me we should meet again tomorrow.

Liz was magically in the hotel room already. "How'd you get here?" I asked her, she noticed me walk into the room and told me she took a taxi here. Of course she did this city is filled with them. I got changed out of my clothes into my pajamas, checking all my social medias. My phone buzzed from a text;

From: Harry

Good night Megan. I had fun today with you :) and your voice is so beautiful. Xx

I smiled at the text message re-reading it over a couple times then I replied to him. Shutting my phone off I went to bed.

The next morning Liz and I went out to breakfast with some friends of ours who lived in New York. Taking a bunch of silly selfies I'll probably cherish for forever. "You need to post that one Dina!" Liz yelled while laughing hysterically. I laughed at their little argument of who should post it.

Saying goodbye to our friends we left to go out and explore the city. Gotta get those special NYC souvenirs which was filled with "I <3 NYC" Liz couldn't choose which one to get. The pink one or the blue one, I helped her pick the blue one in the end.

Soon we left the souvenir store and headed down to time square which was very colorful and full of life. I always loved touring New York, it always was a different experience making the city even more special to me.

Lunch rolled around and we ate some food that came from food trucks in the street. I've never had a better burrito before.

There's chapter 6! :)
Who ships Hegan?

Updating tomorrow (maybe).


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