Chapter 5

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Chapter 5.

*listen to the song in the video, above or on the side depending on your device*
It's the day after the state fair concert now our trip in New York will be filled with photo shoots, meetings, interviews, and recording & writing.

I got up from the bed and took a shower. Letting the warm water soak into my skin relaxing my muscles after my shower I got ready for the day.

My stomach started growling at me to feed it I looked inside the mini fridge the hotel room and finding a yogurt.

Liz started getting ready as well, I check our schedule which was packed with meetings and interviews. Soon Liz and I were both ready to get all this stuff done, leaving the hotel and heading to the first building.

"Liz do you remember which floor it's on?" I asked wondering where the meeting was we wonder around the building for a good half an hour finding nothing. Then we gave up and asked someone. "Third floor, room 245." The man at the desk told us. "I told you we should've check that floor twice." Liz told me.

We went to the floor and entered into the room filled with people in suits and fancy shoes. "Ah, you guys found the room. Sorry I guess I should've put the room number." The man in the front of the room said, yeah no really buddy? I sat down in the empty seat next to Liz and the meetings began.


Finally after hours of meetings and Macy photo-shoots we got through the tough part of our day. Now we get to do interviews with a couple of TV networks.

"When do you think your first album will be out?" The interviewer named Chelsea asked us. "Hopefully by the end of the year or in the beginning of 2014." Liz said to her. We had a couple more songs to finish plus a photo-shoot for the album cover but I am very excited for it to come out. "We can't wait to hear your new stuff! Now let's talk about your new single that just came out last week, Release You. Which by the way is such a catchy song!" Chelsea said to us.

Our day than came to an end. Both of us were hungry so we decided to eat out, we found a cute little restaurant and went in. "Table for two please." I said to the lady who then led us to our table. "Here are you menu's, your waiter will be with you shortly." She said leaving. I looked through the menu finding many of the items tasty. "Hello ladies, my names Mark and I'll be your waiter for the night. Can I start you off with something to drink?" Mark asked. "Water for me please." Liz asked. "I'll have a water too." I told him, he nodded and left.

The food at the restaurant was beyond amazing, my belly was full. Liz and I left back for the hotel getting a to-go box for Liz.


We walked down the hallway towards the hotel door. I grabbed the key and putting it in the lock turning green. Closing the door, a foot stopped it I re-opened it looking at the mystery guy, Harry.

"Hello Megan." He said to me with his dimply smile. "Hi.." I said. "Can I help you with anything?" I asked looking at him, he had a blank face probably trying to remember his reason of being here. "Oh, yes! I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner with me sometime this week?" He asked me, I was shocked a little I literally just met the guy. "Um...I would love to, but we did just meet." I said to him laughing a little. "Oh right. Maybe we can spend some time together the next few days when you're free, and then Thursday we can have dinner?" He asked anxious. I thought about the offer and said what the heck this hot guy wants to get to know me why not? "Sure, I'd love to do that." I said.

Then we exchanged numbers and he left a little too happy. I laughed an closed the door. But how'd he know I was staying the whole week?


There's chapter 5! :)
Happy New Years to you all :) it's finally 2015 ahhh

Also Megan & Harry's ship name will be Hegan (:

Updating tomorrow.


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