Back With Dr. Stupid

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I woke up screaming. But Candy was right there, clutching my hand.

"Just a dream, Raja, breathe," Candy said. "Breathe."

I began to cry when I realized I was back in the hospital room.

"Why am I back HERE?!" I cried. "What happened NOW?!"

"A woman brought you here. And the doctors recognized you and called me. The woman said you were found in an alley. Why she was back there, I don't know. But guess what alley? Shadow's."

She didn't sound mad. Her voice was too worried to sound mad. She sounded dazed. Frightened. No, terrified.


"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I have to know."

"️Raja, enough of this! You're going to get yourself killed!" Candy's voice cracked.

"Who was the lady?"

"She didn't give a name. She explained where she found you and left, or so the doctors say."

"What did she look like?"

"Well she stayed long enough to see me when I got there. The doctors insisted. She had long brown hair, to about her bottom, and she had the very large green eyes."

I closed my eyes.


"Oh, Lord have mercy," Candy whispered. "I just described you, Raja."

I nodded.


"God bless my stars," Candy said under breath. "My stars."

"What did Shadow do to you? Why did you pass out?" Candy demanded.

"We talked. She told me I wasn't supposed to be there. And I wouldn't leave. So she tied me up by my feet and I dangled upside down. Then she said, 'I'm sorry', and hit me to knock me out."

"Lord have mercy. She hit you, Raja?! I told you Shadow was dangerous. That's why I made you promise to stay away."

"She saved me by bringing me here, didn't she?" I shot back.

"Only to cover up her tracks," Candy replied. "She doesn't want to get caught."

Dr. Stupid came in to check on me. I was fine,
so he left again.

After that, I kind of blocked out the world around me. All I could think was one thing:

Shadow saved my life.

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