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Karna, the Hero of Charity.

One of the heroes of the Mahabharata.

Son of the Sun God.

Hero of Benefaction

If Arjuna was given everything, then Karna is the opposite.

Karna is Arjuna's half brother; both son of Kunti.

But Karna is the son of Surya while Arjuna is the son of Indra.

Karna was the first to be conceived from Kunti.

And was given proof of his divine heritage from his mother who thought that the child she given birth too was not the child's divine father.

After he was given proof of his divine heritage, he was abandoned by his own mother. Her reason is that since she will become the queen of Kuru king Pandu, his existence was unnecessary.

With his father's authority, he was invincible, but his lack of relationship of his mother, his actions were violent, cruel, and lack of human emotion. Everyone shined him, but instead of cursing them, he accepted the. He was given birth by his father and mother and so he does not contempt his mother. Since he was abandoned by his mother, he live with the poor and learn their lives and values. As a result, he chose his own free will to help them.

Something the Five Pandava brothers do not have.

When a tournament begin, the Pandava brothers show their martial arts.

Arjuna with his skill of the bow.

When they challenge the audience to show their martial arts, Karna step forward.

He show his archery that reaches the level of Arjuna, and ask Arjuna to challenge him.

But since his status is low, he was denied and ridiculed.

The one to save him from this situation was Duryodhana, one of the eldest princes out of hundred of the Kaurava clan to oppose the Pandavas.

Duryodhana made Karna be a king, so, Karna was saved from disgrace and establish his origin.

But what Karna angered him was the Pandava brothers ridiculing his adopted father. They insulted his father, who raised him. And so, the antagonism between was made.

The Kurukshetra War. 

A bloody conflict between the Kaurava and Pandava clan.

This set the rivalry between Karna and Arjuna.

But during the war, he met his biological mother, Kunti.

Kunti gambled that if she reveal who Karna's biological mother was, they can defect the Kaurava and join the Pandava.

But when they meet and talk, Karna said to his mother that her love for him was late and that if she has no shame, then accept her past without feeling ashamed of herself.

Kunti, who was a selfish woman, but not a shameless woman, could not tell Karna. So, she broke the negotiations without answering Karna's question.

With this, Karna does not join the Pandava, but he promise to Kunti that he will not kill any of the Pandava brothers except for Arjuna.

And so Karna promise, he let the Pandava brothers retreat and the war continue until Karna finally meet Arjuna.


A battle to see who is the victor.

And they fought.

But as the battle continues, his chariot's wheel was stuck in a rut.

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