Viola Extermination

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Adventurer: What the heck is that!?

In front of them is a giant flower devouring killer ants around it. The monster let out a roar as it charge towards the crowd where Adventurers and killer ants are fighting.

Adventurer: Watch out-!

It barreled through all of them, killing the killer ants and Adventurers in its way. It gets ready to charge again when a spear came from the sky and pierce its head, killing it. Achilles land ned to his spear and grabs it. Checking his surroundings, he sees more of these flower monsters appearing from the ground.

Achilles: Looks like they're here for the killer ants. Gorging on killer ants for themselves, probably enhancing themselves.

Achilles get into his stance as the flower monsters all look towards him.

Achilles: Catch me if you can.

With one step, he instantly killed three of these flower monsters in his path.

All the violas charge at him, sensing his bottomless mana within him.

Achilles cut them own one by one as they tried to bite him, but his skills and strength beat them to the ground.

The violas release their tentacle like vines and thrust towards Achilles, but he bats them away like they're nothing and continue his onslaught of killing them. The violas all reacted erratically as more appear from the ground, trying to take a bite of the demigods divine flesh.

Achilles quickly spin his spear circularity and spin to the speed that the violas were instantly turn into thousands of bits of their corpses. Their body only evidence is the pool of blood raining on Achilles and coating his spear from them.

Achilles: God, I need to take a shower after this.

More of the violas burst from the ground and target Achilles blind spot, but he see this and stomp on the ground, creating a shockwave that force the road to go up, hitting the violas brutally in their face. Achilles quickly disengage and all of the violas look at him with drool dripping from their jaws.

He move while cutting them down, but when he reach to a place still having stalls intact, he sees a little girl hiding behind a stall, curling in a fetal position.

Achilles quickly lead them away from her, but fate saids "no" and one of the vines of the monster hit the stall, exposing her. The violas near her instantly spots her and open their jaws, ready to devour her.

Achilles: I won't let you!

Achilles quickly rush to the girl before the violas can kill her. He grab the girl and jump towards the buildings and quickly start running as the violas chase after him. With his speed, he can easily outrun them, but the girl lack the strength and training he have to withstand the g-force. if he suddenly increase his speed, the girl's body would instantly turn into mush. So, right now, he's at the speed where the violas can barely reach him at hair length.

One of the violas lunge at him, ready to kill. Seeing that it is getting closer, he gets ready to jump off the roof before an arrow pierce its skull, killing it. Karna then release a bus of flame that instantly incinerates the violas near Achilles and the little girl.

Achilles: The cavalry has arrived! You guys dealt with the assassins?

Karna: Mhm. We need to put the little girl in a secure location, or we risk her in danger.

Achilles: I know, but we're in a middle of combat and these flower monsters are at the level of the world called level 3 or 4. Base on the speed their going, they're little bit faster than me if I'm not sprinting.

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