Something Fishy in Melen

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In Melen, Achilles drinking orange juice while looking at the sea.

Achilles: This is my last day in Melen. Gotta meet with the others after I finish with my little vacation.

He finish his drink and head towards the dock where the fishermen are.

Rod: Hello, Achilles! Going fishing with us?

Achilles: Yea, though this is going to the last one before I leave.

Rod: That day, huh. Welp, let's catch the fishes and have a great time.

Achilles: Yea.

Rod, one of the Familia members of the Njord Familia.

The Njord Familia are a fishing Familia that sells fish to Orario and is "Orario's entrance to the sea." Njord Familia is the only Familia in Melen, making them the city's defense and military force.

Achilles met the god of the Familia, Njord and find the guy pretty chill to talk with. Though his feeling of the god being kind and caring is complicated since the gods of his myth are petty, destructive, misfortune, etc.

Well, can really judge a book's cover so he mentally shrug.

Rod: The boat is ready! Everyone, prepare everything for the trip!

Welp, it's time for fishing.

Achilles get on the boat and after a few minutes of preparing, the ship enters the sea.

After a few miles, the ship stops and the crew get ready to catch fish.

Achilles grab the harpoon ready since there are big fishes in the sea.

But what his intention is that the suspiciously lack of monsters in the sea.

Genkai still have monsters that roam the land during the Dark Ages. It's unusual that there are no monsters in the sea near Melen.

His instinct as a hero tells him that there is something fishy going on.

Well, anyway, it's their business, not his, so he forget that thought and get ready to catch fish.

Rod: Here come the fishes!

Everyone get ready when a school of fishes is underneath the boat.

Rod: Release the net!

The crew throw the fishing nets into the sea and wait for the fishes to gather around it.

Achilles sees a large fish in the sea heading towards the net.

Achilles: Here comes the big boys!

Everyone ready their harpoons as the big fishes jumps from the sea. The fish that jumps from the sea is a fish similar to the bluefin tuna from Achilles world.

Crew: It's here! Throw the harpoons!

Everyone throw their harpoons at the bluefin tuna and some hit.

Achilles hit one and grab the robe tethered to the harpoon and pulling backwards, lifting the bluefin tuna in the air.

Achilles grab the huge tuna and put it in one of the freezer to preserve it.

He watches as the crewmen lift the tuna from the sea and putting them in the freezer.

Rod: The net is coming up, prepare to preserve them back home!

The crew let out a roar of approval and the trip got busy quickly.

Few hours passed by and the ship is heading home with the fish they got.

Rod: We got a great haul, guys! Let's celebrate when we get home!

Crew: Yes!

Achilles lean on the edge and watch the sea.

The sea remind him of his mother that he cannot reveal who he is. He doesn't want to create a misunderstanding and crush her hope of meeting her son since he is not her son of this world.

As he stare at the sea, he sees a large shadow underneath the sea.

He look at the creature in the sea and see that its slender and long in build, and its head looks like a bud.

Achilles: Monsters? Now this is interesting...

All of his trip in the sea, there were no monsters, but seeing today, his suspicion level went higher.

Achilles: Something is happening in the this city.

Looks like it's hero time.

When the boat lands and everyone carry the supplies off the the boat, he helps the crew for a bit before leaving the dock and enter the shadows. He quickly climb the roof and start running towards the beach.

After a few seconds of running, he reach the beach and begin his investigating.

He jump in the air and dive towards the sea and enters the world not in land.

He swim around looking for the monster. As he continue swimming, he felt a strong power coming from the depths of the ocean.

He follow it and after a few minutes of swimming spots a huge skeleton.

Achilles: This must be the Leviathan.

One of the monsters of the Three Great Quests. The Leviathan was the ruler of the sea and a calamity that plague Genkai's ocean. It was defeated by the Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon Familia. It's remains were used to create a seal that blocks the Dungeon's entrance to the sea, stopping the monsters from entering the ocean.

Achilles: It's power wards offs the monsters from entering Melen even though it died. It's close to a divine beast than a monster.

He then sees the monster at the edge of his sight and follow it.

He follow it until it went a different direction.

Curious, Achilles exits the ocean and sees an abandoned sewer hole.

Achilles: Well, well, looks like I found it.

He climbs up and enter the sewer. He does not require light as his eyes can see the dark courtesy of being a Heroic Spirit.

He continue to walk when he see a trace.

Achilles: Looks like there was a transaction few days ago...

He follow the trail and after a few minutes reach a room going different directions.

Achilles: Trail ends here. Looks like I'm going to wait for the people to come here.

Achilles then leaves and head towards the inn he is staying at.

Next day, he say goodbye to the inn owner and head towards the sewer he found. After running, he stops and watch the entrance of the sewer, waiting for the guy when he spots them.

Achilles: Well, never judge a book's cover...

What he see is the head god of the city's fishing Familia, Njord.

But, Achilles sees Njord face filled with thoughts, second thoughts.

Achilles: Kind and caring god... So he must be the one where there is no monsters in the sea.

He watch as Njord was given a dozen of bags that contain unknown contents and leave. He then sees the people releasing one of those monsters into the sea.

Achilles: So they are the main culprit.

As the monster enter the sea, the people leaves Achilles sight.

Achilles: Looks like I got enough information. 

Achilles leaves his hiding spot.

Achilles: Let's mess with them.

Achilles get into his stance and thrust his spear.

The people of Melen jump in surprise when they hear a boom and see a cloud of dust.

Evilus will face the invincible hero of the Trojan War...


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