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The Swift Hero.

Hero of the Trojan War.

Son of Thetis, Goddess of Water.

The fastest Greek Hero of Greece. 

Known for his invincibility, he was the hero who fought in the Trojan War with others like Odysseus, Agamemnon, Ajax, etc.

He is one of the students of the greatest teacher in Greek Mythology: Chiron.

He fought against Hector and won and drag his dead body across Troy.

Before that, when he was an infant, his mother bathe him in the River Styx to attain him his immortality, but his father Peleus sway Thetis that making him immortal would make him lose his humanity, so the part that makes him human is his heel. The same heel that modern humanity called Achilles heel.

Under Chiron's tutelage, he become like the Greek heroes trained by Chiron and fought in the Trojan War as part of the Achaean army against the army of Troy.

After training under Chiron, he was given two divine horses by Poseidon and a famous horse that was pillaged from a famous city.

These three horses were Xanthus, Balius, and Pedasos.

These three pull the chariot of Achilles who used it to trample the army of Troy and crush them like a ram.

During the Trojan War, his close friend, Patroclus, was killed by Hector, one of the heroes of Troy and an opponent on par with Achilles. Blinded by rage, Achilles battle Hector 1-v-1 and won the duel. After that, he dragged Hector's body across the battlefield, angering the god, Apollo.

Wielding his spear gifted to him by his father, he used his spear to kill Penthesilea, which he regretted killing, and the spear was cursed by Penthesilea that his spear would struck down he cared the most.

As the war continue and Achilles continuing to slaughter his enemies even though he was warned multiple times, enraged, Apollo guided Paris, the bow expert of Troy, to shoot Achilles heel. Paris followed Apollo's order and shot Achilles heel, removing his invulnerability.

Now loss of invulnerability, he took damage from the enemy's arrow; even with his heart pierced by an arrow, he continue to fight the Trojan army until he breathe his last breath.

His actions, legends, and stories was carved into the world.

His legend is still remember to this day.

And like Human History, Achilles was remembered in Orario History.

Achilles, or in Orario History, Achilleus.

He was the adopted son of Thetis and his father's Orario counterpart.

Instead of bathing in the River Styx, he was blessed by a spirit that give him his invulnerability.

His spear that his father gave him was weapon crafted by the spirits.

And his chariot was created by the spirits as well.

The three horses that carried Achilleus carriage were spirits with similar names.

Xanthus was Banthus.

Balius was Palius.

And Pedasos was Gedasos.

Achilleus along the army he fought win fought against the enemy that were called the Troiyan army.

And like his counterpart in Human History, his heel was pierced and lost his invulnerability. Even without his invulnerability, he fought to the end of his life.

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