Information Yn

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Personality :
Yn is a shy girl who most likely won't talk to anybody unless you are her brother Liam. Yn is smart gets only A and B in school except for math. Yn hates math but who doesn't. She is a girl that thinks before she does, but when she is mad that is a whole other level. Yn is also very protective of her family and friends.

Random information:

Yn is 14 and is a freshman in beacon hills high school. She likes quite places so she can think anything through that bothers her.

(I know that the information is not that much but the rest you guys will find out in the story)

I will try to update at least one chapter a day. If you guys have suggestions for the book feel free to comment. Or if you want specific characters to interact more you can comment too. There will be a love interest but he will be introduced further in the story.

Xoxo the writer.

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