The roof and kidnapping

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Yn pov
The cannibal shoved us through the door that lead to the roof.

'Calm down if you maybe explain it to us we could help you.' I said desperate.

'Wendigo's don't want help, we just need food.' Said apparently the wendigo.

He shoved me again but this time against the generator of the hospital. I'm gonna have a concussion because of him. Suddenly the door from the roof was opened and there he was. Scott McCall with freaking red glowing eyes, fangs and claws. Before Scott could attack him he grabbed me by the hair and held me over the edge of the roof. I looked to my right to see Liam in the same positions. One thing led to another and there I was hanging on for my dear life. I heard fighting from above and then Liam almost fell but Scott bit him. He had a grip on Liam's arm so he could pull him up quickly. Now just me. But of course my life never gets what I want because the wendigo attacked Scott again.

'Scott I can't hold on!' I shouted at him. He looked at me regretful. Than he did the same thing he did as he did with Liam. He bit me. After Scott helped me over the edge of the roof, the wendigo got an axe in his back. Scott, Liam and me looked where it came from and saw a man. Without a mouth. Sure make my night even scarier. I looked at my left arm and saw a bloody bite mark. I sat next to Liam and looked scared at Scott who was panicking. He thought for a moment and came closer to us. What I didn't expect was him knocking us out. Than my vision was all black.

                                                                                                           Scott pov

Oh god, what do I do. I'm an idiot. Just think. Step 1 get the siblings to my house. Step 2 call Stiles. Step 3 Stiles will figure this out. After I got home with the siblings i called Stiles. Than I grabbed some tape wrapped it around Liam and Yn so they can't escape. After a while I hear the front door.

'So where are they?' Stiles asked about Liam and Yn.

'There upstairs.' I said.

'Doing what?' Stiles asked more specific.

'Lying down.' I answered vaguely.

I showed Stiles the bathtub where Liam and Yn were tied up. Liam was awake but Yn was still unconscious. Stiles and I walked back to the room.

'So you bit them?'Stiles asked to clarify.

'Yeah.' I said ashamed.

'And you you kidnapped them?' Stiles asked.

'Yeah.' I said again.

'And you brought them here?' Stiles asked.

'I panicked.' I said back.

'This isn't going to end with us burying pieces of their body's in the dessert is it?' Stiles asked as last question.

When I was about to respond we heard Liam again.

'As a reminder this is why I always come up with the plans your plans suck.' Stiles said to me.

'I know that's why I called you, so what do we do? I asked.

So we grabbed some chairs that Yn and Liam could sit on.

                                                                                                     Yn pov

My head hurts like a bitch. What the hell happened? Where am I? I opened my eyes to see Liam tied up with duck tape that was also on his mouth. I looked down to see that I was in the same situation. Than I remembered. The roof, the cannibal, Scott's glowing eyes and claws, the bite and the man with no mouth. As I was lost in my thoughts the door was rammed open. Scott and Stiles helped us out of the tub and sat us on chairs in what I assume Scott's room.

'We are gonna take the tape off your mouths if you scream it goes right back on, if you talk quietly it stays off understood?' Stiles asked Liam and me.

Liam and I looked at each other and slowly nodded our heads. What other choice do we have.

'Okay you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things will happen because of the confusing things of tonight, do you guys understand?' Stiles asked us.

'Not really.' 'Yeah.' Liam and i both said at the same time. I don't understand how he didn't get that.

'Stiles I don't understand either.' Scott said to Stiles.

'Maybe you should tell them.' Stiles responded back to Scott.

'Tell us what.' Liam said angered.

'Liam, Yn what I did what I had to do to save your lives, it's gonna change you.' Scott said vague.

'Unless it kills you.' Stiles said. 'I shouldn't have said that.'

'What?' I said scared.

I heard sniffling and looked to my right to see my brother fake crying. I know that it's fake he used to do that when he was younger to get candy.

'Uh oh.' I heard Stiles say. 'Is he crying?'

'Liam it's okay you're gonna be alright.' Scott said trying to make my brother stop "crying". 'you're not gonna die.'

'Probably not.' Stiles said making the situation worse.

'Will you just help me untie him?' Scott asked impatiently.

'Liam you okay? Scott asked after freeing Liam.

Then the thing I expected to happen happend. Liam threw the chair at Scott.

'Liam what the hell is your problem.' Stiles was saying that's when Liam punched him in the face.

After Scott and Stiles got up they rushed to the door.

'Stay here.' Said Stiles to me. 'Get him.' He said to Scott while they tried to catch Liam.

I looked around and saw a desk. Perfect convenient was for me that on the desk were scissors. I hobbled with the chair to the desk grabbed the scissors and untied myself. I rushed towards the window, opened it and got out of there. When I got down I noticed that Liam out to.

'Liam!' I said and rushed to him to give him a hug. 'I was so scared and didn't know if you made it out.'

'Yn slow down we're out of there we can go home now.' Liam said to me.

                                                                                                 Scotts pov

'Liam got away but let's check on Yn.' I said to Stiles.

Stiles and me walked up the stairs to my room.

'Scott I think we have a problem.' Stiles said to me.

I got into my room and saw scissors on my bed,  my window open and no Yn.

'We just try to talk to them at school and if they don't want to listen we come up with another plan.' I said to Stiles

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