Practising powers and finding Satomi's pack

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Yn pov ( this is a long story)

I was up all night trying to research things from The Scarlet Witch. So far I know that I can change reality and that my powers are called chaos magic. I can change different objects and make different shapes from my red energy. I've also read that I can lift different objects a sort of telekinesis. I was still sleeping when my brother came into the room and saw me asleep on my desk.

'Yn come on wake up.' Liam said to me.

'Go away.' I said hiding my head in my arms.

'Do you wanna go on a run with me and Mason?' Liam asked.

'You woke me up for that question, you know I'm not a sports person.' I said cranky.

'How much sleep did you get?' Liam asked concerned seeing my sleepy eyes.

'How late is it?' I asked.

'6 a.m' Liam replied.

'I think half an hour.' I said sleepy.

'Okay I'm gonna go on my run, try and get some sleep.' Liam said but I just waved him off and went to research further.

At school Scott came up to me.

'Do you know we're Liam is?' He asked me.

'No why, what happend?' I immediately asked.

'He didn't show up to his classes.' Scott explained.

Than an unknown number called me. I showed it to Scott who said to answer it.

'Hello Yn.' The teenager voice said.

'Garrett.'As soon as I said that Scott looked at me concerned and pointed to the phone so I would put it on speaker. 'What do you want?'

'Yn I would speak a little nicer considering I have your brother.' Garrett said probably smirking.

I looked at Scott not knowing what to say or do, he motioned to give him the phone so I did.

'I give you the money.' I heard Scott say. What money?

After a while the phone call ended.

'Yn get to class I will handle this.' Scott said to me.

'No I want to help.' I said.

'Yn just get to class, I promise you I will get your brother to safety but it would help a lot if you just go to your classes so I don't have to worry about you too.' Scott said.

'You promise you get him to safety?' I asked him still unsure.

'I promise.' Scott replied back giving me a hug before walking away.

I went to my English class and sat down in my usual seat. I was grabbing some homework that I could finish through the class when someone started speaking to me.

'You're Yn right?' A boy asked me.

'Yeah you're Alex right?' I asked back.

'Yes do you maybe want to partner up for the project?' Alex asked me.

'Sure this is my number so we can text about when we can make it.' I said while giving him my number.

'Yn.' I heard the teacher say. 'You're excused from class, your uncle is here to pick you up.'

'Text me' I said to Alex while grabbing my stuff.

'Hey Malia, hey "uncle".' I said jokingly to Malia and Derek. 'So why did you pull me out of class?'

'I remember that you said that you learned Buddhist at your old school,right?' Derek asked to make sure.

'Yeah I did, why?' I asked.

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