Bonus chapter: research and study date

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Yn pov

Scott and I got to my place where Stiles would meet us. My parents were working while Liam was with Mason. After a while Stiles came up to the driveway.

'So what happend?' Stiles asked while I let him inside of the house.

'Yn has a new power.' Scott said simply.

'Another one seriously?!' Stiles asked in disbelief. 'Okay what power?'

'Visions.' Scott said shortly. 'I thought it be smart to research the power of the Scarlet Witch and that we practice it one at a time.'

'Good idea.' Stiles said surprised Scott had a good plan. 'Let's get to work than.'

After researching for a while I finally found something.

'I found something.' I said to Scott and Stiles. 'The Scarlet Witch possesses the power of telekinesis, telepathy (mental manipulation) and energy manipulation. She can move different objects with the telekinesis. With the telepathy also known as mental manipulation she can make people see what she wants them to see. It can be happy but it can also be people's greatest fear. Energy manipulation the Scarlet Witch has red powers like wisps. She can create energy forces. Her powers are dangerous if not in control of emotions.

'So if I don't get control soon I be a ticking time bomb.'I said sadly.

'Let's get started on practicing.' Stiles said trying to lift my spirits up.

'I already practiced a bit of telekinesis with Derek and Malia in the woods so maybe we could try telepathy?' I suggested.

''Can you try it on me?' Stiles said a little bit too exited for this.

'I can try.' I said.

I tried it by putting my hand up and pointing it at his head. Didn't work.

'Can you sit on this chair?' I asked Stiles trying a different tactic. Stiles sat on the chair. I made some red wisps appear in my hand. I send one streak to Stiles his head and made him see a flower field with the sun shining brightly. After I noticed that my energy drained a bit I stopped.

 After I noticed that my energy drained a bit I stopped

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'That was awesome.' Stiles said impressed. Scott looked still in shock about something.

'Both of your eyes were red.' Scott said. 'When you send a red streak to Stiles his head, his eyes changed to the color red.'

Suddenly we heard a knock at the front door making me realize something.

'Shit I promised Alex to work on the English project.' I said to Scott and Stiles.

'Who is Alex?' They both said at the same time confused and protective.

'And you were gonna study with him alone in this house?' Stiles asked.

'Yeah I was.' I said confused.

'We're staying here, studying never end with just studying.' Stiles said to me.

'Fine but I'm gonna open the door now.' I said while walking to the front door. 'Hey Alex.'

'Hello?' He said confused to why Scott and Stiles were here.

'They were just helping me with math, Lydia was sick so they offered to help.' I said to Alex cause he knew that Lydia was my tutor.

'Okay where should we study?' Alex asked.

'Well my homework is upstairs so maybe.' 'You should do it downstairs.' I stared my sentence before Stiles interrupted. I shot Stiles a deadly look that made him shrink back a little but than he just smiled at me.

'You wouldn't even notice us.' Stiles said. I looked at Scott for help but he just shrugged his shoulders.

'Fine.' I said while getting my homework from upstairs. I got downstairs and saw that Alex sat on a chair and had his homework out at the dinner table. While Stiles kept looking at him angry. I put my homework on the table next to Alex's. Before I sat down I saw Stiles still looking back and forth between me and Alex.

'I be right back so we can start on the project.' I said to Alex before heading over to Stiles.

'Cut it out.' I said to Stiles.

'Cut what out?' Stiles said playing dumb.

'Looking at him like you want to murder him.' I said back annoyed.

'I don't look like that, right?' Stiles asked Scott.

'Yes you do.' I answered before Scott could say something. 'He is overreacting, right?' I asked to Scott.

'Stiles you do look like him like you want to murder him.' Scott said making me happy. 'But Stiles is just protective of you so am I, your the youngest of the pack so everyone is protective of you.' Scott said making Stiles happy that Scott agreed with him too.

'Just dial it down, please.' I said to Stiles.

'I try my best but he better keep his hands to himself.' Stiles said in a warning tone.

'Great.' I said while walking back to the table.

After half an hour I got to a question that I didn't understand.

'Do you understand this?' I asked Alex.

He leaned a little closer and put his arm around my waist. That action made me blush a little I hope that Scott isn't listening to my heartbeat cause it is going a million miles an hour. Alex explained it to me, just as he was finished explaining we were interrupted.

'Hey hands to yourself!' Stiles shouted at us making us just apart. Now he made it awkward.

'You know we did a lot of work to day so shall we work more on it next time, preferably your place.' I said to Alex while shooting a dirty look at Stiles.

'Yeah sure, see you at school.' Alex said to me before shutting the door behind him.

'Are you kidding me Stiles?!' I yelled at him. 'You totally ruined the moment.'

'There shouldn't have been a moment at all.' Stiles said back raising his voice a little to match my tone.

I got so irritated I jumped on Stiles his back and hit him repeatedly in the head. That went on for a few minutes before the front door opened and Liam walked in.

'What's happening here.' Liam asked us.

'Nothing.' 'A lot.' I don't know anymore.' Me, Stiles and Scott said at the same time in that order.

'You don't want your brother to know.' Stiles said smugly to me knowing my brother would react the same way as him.

'Know what?' Liam asked just confused with all of this.

'Yn had a study date with a boy named Alex.' Stiles said before continuing. 'He had his arm around her waist they were this close to just kissing each other.'

'You what?!' Liam said in disbelief.

'Oh come on this wasn't even as bad as I did with Noah.' I said before realizing what I had said. 'Shit.'

'You what?!' Liam and Stiles shouted while I looked at Scott for help.

'Okay everybody calm down.' Scott said calming the mood. ' let's just sit on the couch and then Yn can answer some of your questions.'

'Have you had your first kiss?' Stiles asked.

'Yeah I did it was with Noah, he set up a picknick for our date and than it happend.' I explained.

'Have you had sex?' Liam asked out of the blue.

'No I haven't.' I said blushing a little at the subject. 'Can we just drop this nothing else happend you to were here.' I said to the boys.

'Fine but if he tries anything you don't want I'm gonna kill him.' Liam said ' we are gonna kill him.' Stiles added.

'Great than that is settled.' I said while walking away to my room.

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