The argument and getting drunk

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Yn pov

I got a text from Scott who asked me to come to Derek his loft. Apparently he got lit on fire but is still alive. Never a dull moment in Beacon Hills.

'Are you all like Lydia? Are you all psychic?' Was the first thing I heard when I stepped inside of the loft.

'Psychic?' I saw Derek say.

'Not exactly.' Scott said to Parrish.

'Okay than what are you?' I heard Parrish ask. I decided to let my presence know.

'Well for starter I'm not psychic.' I said getting some looks from who didn't have werewolf hearing that didn't know I was there. 'The Scarlet Witch. Powers contain of energy manipulation, mind control and telekinesis.'

I showed some energy manipulation between my fingers and lifted up a magazine with my telekinesis.

'Wait how old are you?' Parrish asked me.

'14.' I replied shortly.

'That young and already in this world?' He asked in disbelief before turning to Scott and Derek 'What are you?' And Scott showed him his werewolf eyes.

'Sorry guys I gotta go, I could only come for a short time.' I said to everyone. I gave everyone a hug before I went to the hospital to visit Stiles and his dad. I asked the receptionist the number of the room. I saw through the window that Stiles was sitting in  a chair and that the sheriff was in the hospital bed. Before I barged in I knocked politely and saw that Stiles waved me in.

'Hey I just wanted to drop of this and check up on you two.' I said while walking in holding some flowers with a get well soon card.

'Thank you Yn and I'm fine it's just a gunshot nothing that hasn't happend before.' The sheriff replied. 'God that morphine is really kicking in.'

'That is my sign to go get well soon sheriff.' I said to Stiles his dad.

'You can call me Noah.' He replied.

I walked over to Stiles and grabbed his hand to pull him out of the chair before I gave him a hug.

'If you need something I'm just a phone call away, okay?' I said to Stiles.

'I will thanks Yn.' Stiles said back.

'Bye Stiles, bye Noah.' I said before walking out and going home to just sleep in my bed.

I got home and saw that Liam was still awake and heard the printer in his room and heard him panicking a little.

'Hey what's that?' I asked Liam about the paper that he was holding.

'Nothing just homework.' Liam replied shortly definitely lying.

'You wouldn't be that panicked about homework.' I said. 'Before you say that I can't help because I'm younger I just wanna try to help.'

'I don't need your help just, get out!' Liam yelled at me.

I just walked out of his room to my room a little upset. Before I could even reach my room I was stopped.

'What was that about?' Mom asked me.

'I don't know, I tried to help but he just pushed me away.' I explained

'You didn't do anything wrong so don't worry about it he will come around eventually.' Mom said giving me a hug. 'Good night.'

I got to school with Liam but he just glanced around the hall almost afraid there would be someone he didn't want to see. I saw Mason coming our way so I decided to leave them alone maybe he would get Liam to talk about what's bothering him.

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