Devenfort Prep and punching

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Yn pov

After I found Mason and Liam we were on our way out of the school. Devenfort Prep just arrived so that means that a storm is on the way.

'Brett.' I heard Liam say. Oh this is not gonna end well.

'Oh here we go.' Mason said clearly thinking the same thing as me, that shit is about to go down.

'I just wanted to say have a good game.' Liam said sincerely.

Instead of accepting it Brett did another thing.

'That's cute Liam is that what they said in anger management apologize and everything is fine.' Brett said laughing at Liam. 'You demolished Coach his car.'

'I paid for it.' Said Liam and I noticed that he was slowly getting angry.

'You're going to pay for it, we're gonna break you in half out there.' Brett said before something or rather someone caught our attention. Noah. My stupid ex.

'Hey Yn, looking good.' Noah said while walking up to me.

'Noah I would say it's nice to see you but I don't like to lie.' I said still not having forgiven him after he cheated on me with my best friend.

'Don't tell me your still mad about it.' Noah said. 'Not my fault that she was better than you.'

'Look I don't want to talk to you so I'm just gonna go so I can go back to ignoring you.' I said taking the high road.

'Yeah just run away again, like you and your ticking time bomb that you call your brother did when he got kicked out.' Noah said making me walk back.

'What did you say about my brother?' I said daring him to say it again.

'I said the he was an.' Noah didn't get an opportunity to finish that sentence because I punched him. That felt good. 'That was for my brother and this is for me.' Punching him again till I was pulled away Scott while Stiles went to Liam and pulled him towards the locker room and Scott did the same to me.

Scott and Stiles held Liam under the shower when he calmed down I only got angrier, so I did the best thing that came to my mind and punched a locker.

'Yn.' Stiles said walking towards me to pull me away, but I looked at him with me eyes bright red what I didn't even realize that I was doing.

' Stiles said walking towards me to pull me away, but I looked at him with me eyes bright red what I didn't even realize that I was doing

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'Yn!' Now Scott said to snap me out of it which worked.

'Oh my god I am so sorry, I didn't realize it.' I said apologizing for what I did.

'Yn it okay you didn't harm anyone except for that boy you punched, but I'm pretty sure that was you not you're powers.' Scott said to me.

'Yeah and don't forget you're still learning.' Stiles said agreeing with Scott. 'And for the record you have a great punch I didn't expect for you to get that angry.'

'To get back on the point I thought that car you trashed was your teacher's.' Scott said to Liam.

'He was also my coach.' Liam said explaining it further. 'He benched me for the whole season.'

'What did you do?' Asked Scott wanting to know more.

'I got a couple of red cards.' Liam said ashamed.

'Just a couple.' Stiles said not believing Liam.

'You gotta be honest with us.' Scott said to Liam. 'What else happend?'

'Nothing.' Liam snapped back at him.

Liam looked at me not sure what to do.

'I know you don't like talking about it, but you can trust them. They can only help further if they know the whole story.' I said to Liam giving my opinion.

'I got kicked out of school.' Liam said starting to explain it. 'They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation.'

'What did they call it?' Asked Scott.

'Intermittent Explosion Disorder.' Liam said giving the full name.

'You're literally an I.E.D, great you gave superpowers to a ticking time bomb.' Stiles said to Scott. For that comment I gave Stiles a slap on the back of his head.

'Did they give you anything for it?' Asked Scott.

'Risperidal.' Liam said to Scott. 'But I don't take it.'

'Obviously.' Stiles explained. Which is why I slapped him on his head again. 'Okay stop with the violence.' He said to me.

'Than stop with the insensitive comments.' I said back.

'Guys stop.' Scott said to me and Stiles. 'Why don't you take the medicine?'

'I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me too tired.' Liam said.

'Okay I think you should bail out off the game, tell coach your leg is still hurting.' Scott said to Liam.

'No I can do this.' Liam said while getting up. 'Especially if you and Yn are there.'

'It's not just the game.' Scott said. 'We think whoever killed Demarco is on the team.'

'Who Demarco?' I asked confused.

'The one that brought the beer to the party.' Stiles said. 'The one beheaded remember.'

'We think who ordered the keg killed Demarco.' Scott said. Liam was quiet like he knew something. 'Liam, do you know something?'

'I don't know who ordered the keg, but I know who paid for it.' Liam began saying. 'Garett.'

'Who the hell is Garett?' I asked.

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