First day of freshman

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                                                                        Yn pov

' come on Liam I don't wanna be late on the first day!' I shouted at my slow brother.

'Will you relax if we are gonna go to the bus we will still be on time.' My brother said to me while walking down the stairs.

'Look I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. It's a new school and I don't know anyone I hate meeting new people.' I said.

'You be fine and if you're having trouble making new friends you can always sit with me and Mason.' Liam said comforting.

'Thank you.' I said while hugging him.

'Okay enough of that let's go to the bus.' Liam said ruining the sibling moment.

Finally the bus arrived.

'Look there is Mason.' Liam said pointing to someone in the back of the bus.

'Hey Mason.' Liam said now that we have approached him.

'Finally Liam dude you almost gave me heart attack, I almost thought that I would have to go through the first day alone.' Mason said to Liam who sat next to him while I sat in a seat behind them.

'Yn long time no see, how are you?' Mason asked while smiling brightly very exited for the new school year.

'I'm good how are you?' I asked politely back.

'I'm ecstatic that Liam is in my class now.' Mason said.

I started playing with my bracelet what I always do when I'm nervous, hoping that this day would come to an end.

'Oh and Yn I have lacrosse practice at the end of the day, your still coming right?' Liam asked bringing me out of my trance.

'Yeah I'm still coming.' I replied shortly not wanting to talk that much.

After I said that the bus came to an end meaning we were at school. A part of me just wanted to stay in this bus forever away from this hell hole.

'Yn remember if you want to you can always come sit with us at lunch.' Liam said to me.

'I probably will, is it too late to call in sick?' I asked hopefully.

'Yn for the last time you be fine, me and Mason will even walk you to your locker and classroom.

'Okay fine.' I said giving up trying to get out of here.

'Can I look at your schedule?' Mason asked since he was the only one that knew where to go.

'Sure here.' I replied to him.

'You have economics first with Coach Finstock, his class room is right there.' Mason said while pointing at the door across from us.

'Thank you, I hate that you guys are a year above me.' I said already dreading to go in the classroom.

'Yn you are gonna go in yourself or do I have to push you in?' Liam said laughing a little at my misery.

'Okay I'm going.' I said after a second of thinking.

'See you later Yn.' Mason and Liam said together.

I was just one step in the classroom and looked around. Thank god there was an open spot in the back of the class. Imagine having to sit in the front.

'Okay everybody settle down.' The teacher/coach said loudly. 'If you're here just say yes or just make a sound that a know you're here.'

He looks like he wants to do something else rather than this.

'Anna'. 'Here.' Sebastian.' 'Here.' Jeez how do you even say that Fernandez, who named you kid?' ( no hate to the name) 'Yn.' 'Here.'

After the class was over I had art and after that I had history. What's the point of history everyone is dead anyway. Now I had lunch finally I could see Liam and Mason.

'Hey guys.' I said to the two boys that sat at the table.

'Heyy and made any friends?' Liam asked.

'Obviously not, otherwise I wouldn't be here.' I said. 'How was your day so for?'

'It was fine.' Liam replied.

After lunch the school day was sooner over than i thought it would go. I just wanna lay in my bed and not come out till it's weekend.

'Hey Yn, Liam is in the locker room changing for lacrosse.' Mason said walking up to me 'shall we head over to the field?'

'Sure let's go.'

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