Fighting assassins and dates

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Yn Pov

'Kira found Brett.' Scott said walking up to me and Liam. 'They're fine but we gotta go.'

'More assassins?' Liam asked.

'Maybe a lot more.' Scott said.

'Different than the ones who just tried to lit us on fire?' Liam asked nervous.

'I think so, yeah.' Scott said while almost walking out of the front door but suddenly stopping in his tracks. Me being right behind him and stumbled right into him not seeing him stop.

'Dude, a little warning would be nice.' I said to Scott.

Scott closed the front door and walked back to where Liam stood.

'How about I take you home?' Scott asked Liam.

'I'm not like you.' Liam said.

'Not yet.' Scott said trying to be encouraging.

'I don't mean I'm not strong.' Liam said. 'Or I'm never gonna learn how to be in control. I mean everything else. You and you're friends are trying to protect everyone. Have you been doing this all this time? I mean how are you all still alive?'

'Not all of us are.' Scott replied. I placed my hand on his shoulder for a little comfort because I knew about Allison. Lydia told me a few stories about her. She was brave it's a shame I never got to meet her.

''Let me at least take you home.' Scott said to Liam before turning to me. 'Do you also want me to take you home?'

'No could you just drop me off at the hospital?' I asked Scott.

'Sure.' Scott replied.

After Scott dropped me off at the hospital I went to the elevator. I went to visit Stiles since he had a concussion. He and Lydia went to eichen house. Now some creepy guy is dead who killed Lydia her grandmother. Thank god Parrish was there and shot him before he could do anything.

'Hey how are you doing?' I asked Stiles.

'I'm fine but what are you doing here don't you have bedtime?' Stiles asked jokingly.

'Haha very funny I just came to check up on you.' I said to Stiles.

'Thanks but I be fine it's just a concussion.' Stiles replied.

'Okay I need to go home but if you need anything at all just call me, okay?' I said in a serious tone.

'Yeah, yeah if I need anything I will call.' Stiles said.

On the way out of the hospital I got a call from Alex.

'Hey.' I said to Alex.

'Hey I'm gonna ask you something and I don't want you to talk while I ask it otherwise I chicken out.' Alex said in a rushed tone.

'You are an amazing girl and I never met someone that incredible in my life. I knew from the moment I saw you that I thought you were so pretty. And that you were way too good for me but I'm just gonna ask. Do you maybe wanna go on a date together?'

'Yeah I'd love that.' I said feeling flustered.

'Great does tonight work for you?' Alex asked.

'Yeah tonight will be perfect.' I said back to him.

'Okay I pick you up at 21.00.' He replied.

'Okay I'm looking forward to it, see you tonight.' I said smiling brightly.

'See you tonight.' Alex said and than he hang up.

'What got you so happy?' Melissa aka Scott's mom asked me.

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