Sibling night and playing lacrosse

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Yn pov

Me, Liam and Mason were in Liam's room playing video games.

'When did you get so good?' Mason asked Liam 'You've been practicing? Or did you get suddenly supernatural reflexes?

'Practicing.' Liam replied fast. 'Yeah I've been practicing.'

'And I should be studying.' Mason said.

'Where are you going?' Liam asked.

Home I got a history test tomorrow.' Mason said confused by Liam's behavior.

'Come on, one more game.' Liam said to Mason.

'Yeah you said that 4 games ago.' Mason replied tiredly.

'Well study here, you can stay over.' Liam said.

'Come on one more game, just one.' Liam said desperate.

'You okay?' Mason asked.

'Yeah you're right you should go. I should probably study too.' Liam said avoiding the question. I can see right through him, he is hiding something.

'See you at school.' Liam said to Mason.

'See you later Mason.' I said. I gave him the face that said I handle this.

'Are you sure you okay?' I asked Liam as soon as Mason was out of the room.

'I'm fine Yn don't worry.' Liam replied shortly.

'How about this we play one more video game and then we can maybe have a sleepover in your room just like old times?' I suggested to make him feel better.

'Aren't we a little too old for that?' Liam asked with a little laugh at the end.

'Never.' I said deadly serious.

'Okay grab your stuff and I grab the blankets.' Liam said to me.

After I grabbed my stuff Liam and I played some more video games. We studied a little and just talked about stuff. I grabbed my sleeping bag and laid it on the ground.

'Thanks for this big bro, I think we both needed this.' I said to Liam.

'Yeah we should do this more often.' Liam said.

After that being said I fell asleep but was soon awakened by Liam heavy breathing. I stood up and saw him in his bed shaking like he had a nightmare.

'You're not there.' I heard Liam say. 'You're not there.'

Liam suddenly turned the light on and looked around the room to see if someone was there, but he only saw me.

'Are you okay?' I asked him.

'I'm fine just go back to sleep.' Liam said harshly to me.

'What did you see?' I asked.

'Nothing.' Liam said.

'Okay stop with this bullshit.' I said completely done with this behavior. ' I know you see something and I'm not gonna judge you for it. So you can either say what you see or if it is easier I can look into you head to see it myself. Or I back to my own bedroom and you deal with this yourself, but I just want to help.'

'Beserkers.' Liam said quietly.

'Is that what you see?' I asked.

'Yep the werewolf is scared of the beserkers.' Liam said ashamed.

'I'm glad you told me.' I said to Liam 'you know I did some research and can I try something? It will make you sleep with a peaceful dream.'

'You can do that?' Liam asked in disbelief.

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