The hale vault

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Yn pov

We we all in the locker room with Mr.Yukimura. Scott his eyes were glowing from red to his normal eye color.

'It's still happening.' Mr.Yukimura said to Scott talking about his eyes.

'I can't make them go away.' Malia said holding her claws up.

'Neither can I.' I said talking about the red wisps of my energy manipulation.

'Obviously the virus is affecting the 3 of you in a way it won't hit any human being.' Mr.Yukimora stated.

'You Guys have to stay out of sight.' Stiles said. 'We have to quarantine you from the quarantine.'

Yeah but where? I mean what if they get Violent.' Kira said. 'Like on a full moon.'

'We shouldn't stay in here. Not in the locker room.' Scott said.

'A classroom is not gonna hold us either.' Malia said.

'What about the basement?' Kira suggested.

'Too many ways out.' Scott said dismissing the idea. 'We need something secure, somewhere nobody could find us.'

'What about the hale vault?' I suggested getting a few surprised looks that I knew there was a vault. 'What Derek told me about it after practicing my powers in the woods.'

'The hales always have a way out.' Stiles said. 'So also a way in.'

We got into Coach his office in the locker room. Stiles pulled up a map of blueprints from the school.

'The school sign is there.' Stiles said pointing somewhere on the map. 'That means the vault should right here. I suppose if there's a second entrance, it will probably be accessible in the basement. It's probably somewhere in this hallway. West corridor. Stiles finished before fanning forward to the table. So I caught his right on time with my energy manipulation before he hit the table.

'It's happening to you too.' Mr.Yukimura said. 'You're getting sick. You all are.' He said to us lastly looking at Kira.

'I don't feel sick.' Kira said.

'I think it's affecting you neurologically.' Mr.Yukimura said. 'I found your test paper along with some others.' He pulled it out and showed that the answers were next to the field of multiple choice questions.

We were on our way to the hale vault. My energy feels drained and my hands were still surround in red wisps. When we got in front of the entrance of the vault I leaned against the wall almost falling over because of dizziness. No one noticed they were too busy figuring out how to open it.

'Looks like it just opens with claws.' Stiles said. 'Anyone's claws right.'

I saw Scott giving Stiles a look and than looking at Malia and than back at Stiles.

'Malia can you try?' Scott asked.

'Why me?' Malia asked.

'I don't have control.' Scott replied.

'Okay I do it.' Malia said. 'But first tell me what you have been hiding from me.' She said looking at Scott and Stiles.

'I know you think you're trying to protect me but I can handle it.' Malia said to the boys. 'I know I'm on the list.' She said after no one answered her.

'Yes.' Stiles said carefully.

'So how much?' Malia asked. 'How much am I worth?' She said clarifying her question.

'4 million.' Scott said.

Malia was in silence for a minute as were we all.

'Are you okay?' Stiles said walking up to Malia.

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