Fake studying and fake parties

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Yn pov

I was getting ready for studying with Lydia. I have a bad feeling about tonight. I wanted to cancel because of it but Lydia is already on her way to my house. I just wore some black skinny jeans and and a simple dark red t-shirt. Soon I saw Lydia her car in front of my house so I grabbed my math homework and my bag and went to the car.

'Heyy thanks for picking me up.' I said greeting Lydia and thanking her.

'Sure no problem.' Lydia replied. ' do want the music louder?' She asked.

'No it's fine like this.' I said.

'What's that on your arm.' Lydia asked.

She was talking about the bite mark.

'An animal bit me.' I said shortly.

'Can I see it?' Lydia asked.

'Sure.' I said. I loosened the bandage around it and showed it. It was mostly healed but it was still visible.

'It hasn't healed completely.' Lydia said surprised like she knew more. 'Do you feel okay?'

'Yeah I feel fine.' I said.

'We're at my house.' Lydia said while getting out of the car.

'Why are there already cars out there?' I asked.

'Some people help me setting up the party but they won't bother us don't worry.' Lydia said.

Lydia let me go first but what I didn't expect was that Scott and Stiles were here along with Malia.

'Yn I'm sorry we had to do it this way but you need to listen to us.' Scott said.

Scott was about to continue when te door opened and the stood my idiotic brother with Kira.

'Great now that everybody is here we can continue.' Stiles said already done with this.

After a while they explained everything.

'So werewolf,werecoyote , banshee and fox?' Liam asked to clarify everything.

'Kitsune but fox works.' Kira said to us.

'What are you?' Liam asked Stiles.

'A little while ago I was possessed by an evil spirit, it was very evil.' Stiles said.

'What are you now?' My brother asked.

'Better?' Said Stiles not really sure of himself.

'Are those for me or my sister?'Liam asked

'No there for me.' Malia replied.

'How the hell did you do that?' Some people jumped forgetting I was there.

'No I'm gonna walk out of is door and if one of you is going to stop me.. ' Liam said but crashed to the ground because of the noises.

'Liam what's wrong?' Scott asked my brother.

'You don't hear that?' Liam asked.

I started walking to the door but then I was stopped.

'Yn where are you going?' Stiles asked seeing my movement, this made Scott look up.

'Yn you need to stay here.' Scott said.

'No I need to get out of here, you can help Liam but there is nothing wrong with me.' I said calmly.

'Yn just stay here for you brother please and that if something happens I will know, okay?' Scott said/asked me. I just nodded my head not wanting to argue.

After we got to the lake house Liam tried to attack us. So Kira did the first thing she taught of and hit my brother in the head with a wooden peddle.

'You guys ok?' Scott asked me and Kira.

'Yeah' we said at the same time.

'Yn how are you feeling?' Scott asked concerned. I looked down to see my hands with red whisps (Wanda maximoff/Scarlett witch powers)

'I don't think this is normal.' I said scared.

'What the hell is that?' Kira asked Scott.

'I don't know I never seen it.' Scott said confused.

'Scott.' I said. 'I think we have a problem.' Pointing at Liam who was losing control.

'The chains are gonna hold him right?' Kira asked Scott unsure.

'Yeah he shouldn't be that strong.' Scott said underestimating Liam.
Right when Scott said it Liam broke free and ran in the woods.

'Kira you stay here with Yn.' Scott said to Kira to hurry after Liam.

'Kira I need to go outside.' I said because I felt this power inside of me.

'I can't let you go, I'm sorry Yn you gotta stay here.' Kira said.

'I can't.' After I said that I ran out into the woods while I was running I didn't notice my glowing more and more. After I thought that I was deep in the woods I finally saw my hands glowing bright red with an energy orb in the palm of my hand. I tried to put it away by waving my hands but nothing works. I was hyperventilating and crying in the woods.

'Yn.' I heard. It was Scott.

'Don't come closer!' I shouted. 'I don't wanna hurt you.' I said while crying.

'Yn you gotta calm down.' Scott said calmly.

'I can't.' I said. 'I don't know how.'

'Yn.' It was another voice the voice of my brother. 'Remember when everyone laughed at me because of my I.E.D you got so mad. You couldn't calm down. Remember what I did?

'You brought me to the locker room and put me under the water and said I needed to cool off, but I don't understand why are you telling this?' I asked confused.

'Because it stopped your panicking and distracted you. Look at your hands the power is gone because of the story.' Liam said.

I looked down at my hands and they indeed stopped glowing. I looked to my brother and Scott and walked to Liam and gave him a hug.

'What the hell am I?' I asked Scott wanting to know more.

'I don't know Chris do you know anything about this?' Scott asked a middle aged man who I didn't notice before.

'In my years of experience I've never seen this before, but I will look into it.' Chris said to Scott and me.

When we got back to Lydia's house, we missed a lot Malia didn't rip out Stiles his throat and Lydia found a Deadpool with all the supernatural creatures of Beacon Hills. Oh boy what have I gotten into.

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