Scott's 'fake' dead and fighting beserkers

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Yn pov

'Is three enough?' Kira asked.

'Depends on how many camera's they have. But I think so.' Stiles answered. 'Are we really doing this?'

'We're doing it, tonight.' Scott said about Stiles his question.

'But isn't it kind of dangerous?' Liam asked Scott.

'It's incredibly dangerous and borderline idiotic.' Stiles answered not calming my nerves.

'Have you guys done something like this before?' I asked them.

'Something dangerous or something idiotic?' Stiles asked me.

'I think it's a yes to both of them.' Kira said.

'You guys don't have to be part of it if you don't want to.' Scott said sensing at least my nerves I don't know if Liam also has the same feelings about this.

'I'm not scared.' Liam answered to Scott.

'Then you're borderline idiotic.' Stiles said to Liam. Then they turned to me for my answer if I wanted to be a part of this plan.

'I'm a little skeptic about the plan.' I started to say before continuing. 'But I will join this plan I can't sit around doing nothing if I can actually help.'

'If we do this, we don't know what's coming for us. You know that right?' Stiles said to me and my brother.

'How do we even know something's definitely coming? Kira asked.

'Because the tape in Garrett's bag said something about visual conformation.' Scott answered Kira's question.

'Simon said the same thing.' Stiles said. 'He couldn't get paid by the benefactor, until he had proof that you guys were dead.'

'So the idea is what if you kill someone, that is on the dead pool, but you can't send the proof?' Scott asked.

'You don't get paid.' Kira said.

'But how does that get us any closer to the benefactor.' Liam said.

'He still needs to know if the target is really dead.' Scott answered.

'Especially if it's someone that high on the list.' Stiles continued Scott

'So if he wants the visual conformation.' 'He needs to get it himself.' Liam began and I finished the sentence. We did that a lot when we were younger whenever one of us would say something the other would finish. Mom and dad got crazy because of it. Now we still do it a few times but not that much.

We were at the morgue I heard Scott's mom Melissa scream in the hallway for her son. Melissa is really nice she helped me when I was in the hospital. She was my nurse. I can't even remember how I got injured all I knew was that I woke up in the hospital and that Melissa was my nurse.

Melissa came into the morgue and looked at her son.

'I still hate this plan.' Melissa said to us.

'You're not the only one.' I said giving her a small comforting smile and getting one in return.

'I mean this is slightly significantly terrifying. He looks dead.' Melissa said.

'Give me your hand.' Kira's mom said to Melissa.

Melissa looked at Stiles and then at me.

'It's okay.' Stiles said. When Melissa looked at me I just nodded my head silently telling that it was safe to do.

Melissa gave her hand and Kira's mom putted it on Scott his chest where you can feel his heartbeat. At first Melissa didn't feel it and got slightly worried with tears that wouldn't drop in her eyes. To comfort her I putted my hand on her shoulder.

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