The cornering and the plan

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                                                                                                    Yn pov

'Do we really have to go?' I asked Liam.

'Yes Yn we have to go, I know you rather stay at home but we can't miss school because of this.' Liam said to me.

'I'm scared that they will talk to us or even worse corner us.' I said nervous.

'Just stick with me and Mason when you can I doubt there gonna talk to us when Mason is there.' Liam said explaining why he wasn't that nervous. 'I'm gonna run to school.'

'Have you lost your mind, why would you run to school?' I asked confused

'I don't have to give you an explanation I'm older than you.' Liam said the same thing like always when he doesn't want to tell me.

'Well I'm going with the bus have fun running.' I said annoyed because of what he said.

After I got in the bus I sat next to Mason since he was the only person I knew.

'Where is your brother.' Mason asked since Liam and I always come together unless there is someone sick.

'He is running to school.' I said shortly.

'Has he lost his mind?,' Mason asked me the same thing I asked Liam this morning.

'I don't know but I don't like it.' I said to Mason.

After getting to school I saw that Liam just arrived. I didn't feel like talking to him so I went to the girls restroom before I had to get to class. While walking to my class I just saw Liam walking away from Scott and Stiles. I walked faster hoping that they didn't see me, but luck was on my side and they of course saw me. I still needed to go to my locker cause I needed to hand in a paper today. I got to my locker and tried to grab my essay as fast as I could but Scott and Stiles were already there.

'Yn I know you don't want to talk but could you just listen to me?' Scott asked me in a begging tone.

'I gotta get to class just please leave me alone.' I said quietly so only Stiles and Scott could hear.

'I can't let you go to class till you listen to me.' Scott said.

'We are only trying to help you and you brother so just shut up and listen.' Stiles said rudely interrupting.

'Yn we're brother and sister now.' Scott said seriously.

'It didn't work on Liam what makes you think it work on her.' Stiles said flabbergasted.

'Brother and sister what the hell are you talking about, look I don't have time for this so for the love of god just leave me alone.' I said while walking away.

                                                                                                Scott's pov

'Well that didn't work.' Stiles said to me.

'Let's go between the buses it's time for a pack meeting.' I said to stiles.

Lydia, Malia and Kira all came to the buses to help making a plan.

'I'm not sharing my basement.' Malia said going straight to the point.

'Actually it's my basement and my mom noticed how you torn it up last time.' Lydia said to Malia.

'Alright she is still learning.' Stiles said defending Malia.

'We're gonna use to lake house for Liam and Yn.' I said clarifying that Malia didn't have to share.

'But how are we getting them to the lake house if they don't trust us?' Kira asked us.

'What if we just kidnap them or we just chloroform them in the lake.' Stiles said out loud.

'I'm in.' Said Malia.

'We're not killing or kidnapping them.' I said to them.

'Then let's be smarter we tell them there is a party and invite them.' Lydia said coming up with a solution.

'You're gonna ask out a sophomore? (I know Liam is in freshman but this is how I do it in my story)

'No I'm done with teenage boys but if we use the trickster.' Lydia said motioning to Kira.

'Who me? No way.' Kira said not wanting to do it.

'Yes you.' Lydia said encouraging her ' you know what people call a fox a vixen.'

'Me?' Kira said still unsure

'You can do it Kira be a vixen.' Lydia said.

'What about Yn who is gonna ask her.' Stiles said making a good point.

Let me handle Yn.' Lydia said.'

                                                                                             Yn pov

I was just putting things away in my locker when a girl came up to me with strawberry blond hair.

'I like your jacket where did you get it?' She asked while smiling brightly.

'I got it from my aunt.' I said quiet.

'It looks cute, I'm Lydia by the way.' Lydia said.

'Yn' I said back.

'So there is a party Friday night at my place do you wanna come?' Lydia asked already inviting me to it.

' thanks for inviting me but party's are not really my scene.' I replied being honest.

'You sure? I think your brother is going.' She asked again

'Yeah I'm sure, what Liam wants to do is his business.' I said showing I can make my own choices.

'Do you maybe want to exchange phone numbers that if you change you're mind you can text me.' Lydia said.

'Sure.' I said.

'See you later.' Lydia said walking away.

                                                                                                   Lydia pov

Just as I walked around the corner there stood the pack.

'And how did it go?' Scott asked me hopeful.

'I complimented her jacket, invited her to the party but it didn't work.' I explained. 'She said that party's aren't really her scene.'

'That sucks I guess we're gonna have to come up with another plan.' Stiles said.

'Wait a minute.' I said cause something caught my attention. It was a flyer for junior and freshman buddies. Juniors can get extra credit for tutoring freshman.

'This is perfect.' I said showing them the flyer.

'Wait but does she even need help academically?' Scott asked.

'I think so when I was talking to her I saw a math test in her hand and she did not get a great score.' I said remembering the F on the test. 'I got her number so I ask her if she needs a buddy.'

So I started texting her not a minute later she replied with :'yes I still need a buddy happy that you texted me about it that I don't have a complete stranger :).'

'She texted me back I guess I'm her buddy, i will ask if she wants to meet up Friday night before the party.' I said already texting her. 'She said yes I guess the plan is in work.'

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