Lacrosse and hospital

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                                                                      Still Yn pov

After getting settled down on the bleachers, the lacrosse players came outside. First the coach made the team run laps. It was funny to see. Liam was the first one in after him came the captain I think that's what Mason said. And lastly came a boy panting at the finish line Mason said something that that was the best friend of the captain.

After multiple players tried shooting the ball in the net, the captain apparently named Scott and his best friend Stiles had been put on defense. No one got anything through. Than it was my brothers turn.

'Come on Liam.' I said softly hoping that he could pass the ball in the goal.

Liam started running and made it pass Stiles and Scott and he made the goal.

'That was luck!' A brown haired girl shouted from the bleachers. 'Do-over!'

'Sweetheart there are no do-overs this is practice.' Coach replied to the shouting girl.

'10 bucks on Scott and Stiles.' She replied confidently.

'I take that up for action.' Coach said wanting the money. 'Liam get back in there.'

'Oh god I have a feeling this won't go well.' I said worried for my brother.

'He be fine this is Liam we're talking about.' Mason said having trust that Liam could do this.

'I hope you're right.' I said.

Liam got ready to go. He passed Stiles again. He came to Scott and Scott knocked him down to the ground.

'Oh my god, no, this is not happening.' I muttered to myself while running down the bleachers to get fast to my brother.

'I think it's my leg.' I heard Liam saying to the Coach.

'We get him to the hospital.' Scott said while Stiles and him were helping Liam up.

'Wait can my sister come?' Liam asked.

'Yeah sure but who is it and where is she?' Stiles asked impatiently obviously wanting to go.

'Here she comes.' Liam said not answering the question completely.

'Your his sister?' Scott asked me.

I just nodded my head to shy to talk to them.

'Okay lets go to the jeep.' Scott said to Stiles.

When we got to the jeep Stiles looked at me and my brother.

'You better not scratch the jeep.' Stiles said in a serious tone.

'My leg might be broken is this really more important than going to the hospital?' Liam asked sarcastic.

'Hey sarcastic is my thing understood.' Stiles said.

'Let's just go Stiles.' Scott said already done with them.

After they sat Liam in the back I walked around to sit with him in the back.

'How is your leg?' I asked quiet, so that only Liam could hear not knowing that Scott could also listen in.

'Hurts but I just hope it is not broken.' Liam said clearly in pain.

'Even if it is we get trough it together we always do.' I whispered while putting my head on his shoulder trying to give him a little comfort.

'I forgot to introduce myself I'm Scott and that is Stiles.' Scott said after a minute silence.

'I'm Yn.' I said quietly that they could hear it but not that loud.

The rest of the ride was deadly silent while I just played with my bracelet.

'We're here.' Said Stiles.

After we got inside of the hospital, we went to the service desk. A pretty middle aged woman came around the corner.

'Hey mom.' Scott said a bit embarrassed about what he did to Liam.

'Don't worry Liam we take good care of you.' The mom of Scott said to Liam.

'I be right there.' I said to Liam while trying to hug him while he was in the wheelchair.

I saw Scott and Stiles talking quietly and Scott looked really guilty. When they were done talking I did something that surprised myself.

'Don't blame yourself too hard.' I said getting surprised looks from them that I was even talking to them. 'Liam knows that lacrosse is violent sport and he could get hurt. He knows the risk so just don't be too hard on yourself about this.

After I was done speaking i started to walk away to get to Liam's hospital room.

'Yn.' Scott said making me walk back to them. 'Thank you.' I just nodded and went along with my walk.

'Hey you feeling better?' I asked Liam.

'It's the same as before I just took the x-ray.' Liam said disappointed.

The our step-dad came in the room.

'Hey dad.' I said while hugging him.

'Hey sweetheart.' He said back. 'So what happend?'

'On the lacrosse field, I went up on 2 juniors. One of them was the captain of the team.' Liam said embarrassed.

'Remember what we say 'play smart not hard'.' Our dad said.

'Its broken isn't it?' Liam said.

'We don't know yet just wait for the x-ray, it's not over yet.' Our dad said while leaving the room.

'Come here.' Liam said while making space for me on the bed.

We lied down for a while until there was a crash. We both sat up and Liam got out of the bed.

'Liam your injured lay back down.' I said in a motherly tone.

'I just wanna check I out.' Liam said dismissing me. 'Hello, anybody there?'

I walking towards Liam so I'm next to him. Suddenly the was someone covered in blood, showing his fangs. He threw a kick at Liam an shoved me against the door. He grabbed me by the hair and took a hold of Liam and brought us up some stairs.

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