PSAT and the virus

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Yn pov

Today we're the PSAT's i would be taking the test too. Lydia helped me very much with math so the school decided that I could take it with the juniors this year. Right now I was looking if I had everything.

'No, no, no this is not happening now.' I muttered to myself while looking through my stuff, of course my brother heard it with his super hearing.

'What are you looking for?' Liam asked me while walking in my room.

'My pencil I can't find and I need to go in 5 minutes.' I said frustrated.

'Yn.' Liam said making me look at him and he pointed at my desk which had my pencil on it.

'Thank you, you're a lifesaver.' I said relieved.

'Just calm down you studied so hard for this you could do it in you're sleep.' Liam said calming my nerves. 'You're gonna do great.'

'Thank you, what would I do without you?' I said while hugging him.

'Probably still looking for you're pencil.' Liam replied. 'You gotta go, good luck.' He said while kissing the top of my head.

'Thanks big bro.' I said to my brother while walking out of the door.

I got to the school and saw that the pack was already there and picked up the last part of the conversation.

'Well what?' Malia asked Stiles.

'It's do well not good.' Stiles said answering Malia's question.

'Oh god.' Malia replied frustrated.

Than I decided to walk up to them.

"Hey guys.' I said to the pack.

'Yn what are you doing here? You know that you're free from school, right?' Kira asked me.

'Yeah I'm taking the PSAT's, Lydia helped me a lot with maths so the school let me take it.' I said answering all questions.

'Why would you do that willingly?' Malia asked obviously wanting to be somewhere else.

'I had spare time over in my classes and if I do it now I wouldn't have to do it in 2 years.' I replied to Malia.

'It's only 3 hours, we can survive 3 hours.' Kira said trying to be positive.

From the pack I went in the classroom as last. I looked and saw ink from the fingerprints we needed to put on the test. After I did that I saw Ms Martin holding a paper for the phones.

'You can put you're phone in there, you get it back after the test.' Ms Martin said to me. So I did what she asked and before I said down she said 'Good luck.'

I saw that Stiles had an empty seat on his right so I decided to sit there. Stiles was already looking inside of the test.

'Please do not open you're test booklet until you're instructed to do so.' An unknown man, one of the supervisors said. I looked at my left and saw that Stiles was closing the booklet sheepishly.

'The test is 2 hours and 10 minutes.' The man said. 'There will be 2 25 minute critical reading sections, 2 25 minute math sections and an essay writing portion that will last 30 minutes.

'There are supposed to be 2 teachers monitoring this exam.' The man said to Ms Martin.

'I know, it's coach. He is not exactly punctual.' Ms Martin said. 'Let me just try him again.' Ms Martin walked out of the classroom with her phone probably going to call coach.

'I can't find him, but Mr Yukimura is upstairs grading some paper.' Ms Martin said while walking back into the class. 'Do you want me to try him?'

'We have to start. We can ask for his assistance during the first break.' The man said. 'You may now open you're test booklet and begin.'

I got to the first question and it was really easy. After a while I had gotten further with the test when something caught my attention. Someone fell off the chair behind me, I think her name is Sydney. Ms Martin walked to her and helped her up.

'Are you all right?' Ms Martin asked Sydney.

'I'm okay, I just got a little dizzy.' Sydney replied.

'Sydney since when do you have this?' Ms Martin asked pointing at Sydney her arms.

'I don't know.' Sydney said confused.

'Ms Martin do I need to stop the test?' The man asked.

'No it's fine, everybody stay in your seats I be back in a minute.' Ms Martin said vaguely. 'Nobody leaves the room.' She said to the other supervisor making me worried.

There came people in yellow suits to the school and they set up things in another room.

'Bet they're thinking smallpox.' Stiles said to us.

'Not likely.' The unknown supervisor called Simon said. Then he explained some history of it to Stiles. I just sat at a desk with my head in my hands worried for all of this.

'You okay?' Stiles asked while putting a hand on my shoulder having finished his conversation with Simon.

'Yeah I just wanna go home.' I said to Stiles.

'I know just don't worry to much and you at least have us.' Stiles said to me.

'You're dad is with them.' Malia said to Stiles.

'I should probably call him.' Stiles said walking to the desk to grab his phone.

'Don't bother.' Simon said to Stiles. 'They would have shut of any asceet to all outside communications by now. No cell service, no WiFi, no one causing a panic. Looks like we're all just gonna wait here and see what happens.'

We needed to get out blood tested. I hate it because I'm afraid of needles.

'Why are you so nervous?' Malia asked me bluntly.

'I'm afraid of needles.' I replied back.

'You with those badass powers are afraid of a needle?' Malia asked in disbelief.

'Yep I can't believe it either.' I said.

Kira got her blood drawn first but she gave a shock of electricity to the woman who tried to take the blood. The woman got rushed outside while we went to the locker room where Scott was.

'You, you are now my favorite person.' I said happy to Kira glad that I dind't get the chance to get my blood drawn.

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