The scrimmage

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                                                                            Yn pov

I was at the lacrosse game with Liam and Mason.

'I don't care if he is a foot taller than me.' Liam said to us. 'I think I can take him.' He said talking about Brett.

'Of course you can.' I said trying to be supportive.

'Yeah.' Mason just said obviously distracted with Brett his abs.

'What do you think you're doing?' Liam asked to Mason.

'What me?' Mason asked finally snapping out of it. 'Agreeing with you.' 'I'm being agreeable.'

'You think he is hot don't you?' I asked seeing right through him.

'No, no not all all. No way' Mason said rambling. 'Maybe, maybe a little.'

'He wants to destroy me.' Liam said to Mason.

'I think you could definitely take him.' Mason said. 'And than give him to me.' Which made me burst out in a laugh.

'No just go out there and smug prep school asses.' Mason said.

'Especially Noah's.' I said in a joking way but secretly meaning it.

'All right.' Liam said while fist bumping me and Mason.

I sat on the bleachers with Mason and some girl that is friends with Mason and Liam I think her name is Violet. The scrimmage soon started, but I don't even know what there doing I'm not a sports person. Soon I saw Liam getting knocked down by Brett. Liam was about to go punch him when Scott grabbed him.

'Liam calm down just stay in control, I know you can do it.' I whispered I knew he and Scott could hear me because they both looked into my direction while I said it.

Liam calmed down and the game started again.  That was until Brett and Liam got knocked down again. Liam got benched and Brett was lifted off the field with a gurney obliviously injured.

'I'm gonna go to the restroom.' Violet said while getting up.

I saw that the pack were stood together so I joined them.

'Guys.' I heard Stiles say. 'Lydia just broke another third of the list.'

'Are me and Liam on it?' I asked Stiles wanting to know if I would get murdered or not.

'No you guys are not, but someone else is.' Stiles said.

Suddenly it clicked my mind. Brett. I ran as fast as fast as I could to the locker room with Scott right behind me. Scott went in the locker room first and I hid behind the door if something went wrong.

'He said we should've try.' I heard Violet say. 'But now I've got you. I got an alpha.' As soon as I heard that I went in the locker room and saw Scott getting chocked by a thermocut wire. So I didn't think twice I held my hand out and blasted Violet away from Scott. What I didn't expect was to hear her laugh.

'Of course you're here.' Violet started. 'The Scarlet Witch coming to the rescue.'

'What?' I asked confused of what she had called me.

'You have no idea what you are, do you?' Violet said. 'One day you're gonna destroy us all if you don't get control soon, it's your fate.'

I heard enough of Violet so I hit her head against the wall to knock her out.

'Are you okay?' I asked Scott who checked on Brett. 'And how is he?'

'We're fine, but he needs to get to Deaton fast.' Scott said. 'Are you okay?' He asked wanting to know how I handle the news of being called a destroyer.

'I don't know.' I said honestly. 'I'm just gonna look through it at home and see how to get control.'

Than Stiles came in the locker room and looked around at the bodies, Brett and Violet.

'I think you better call your dad.' Stiles said to Scott. 'What happend?' Stiles asked looking at my shocked face.

'We found out what Yn is.' Scott said when he realized I didn't want to talk. 'Violet called her The Scarlet Witch.'

'That's good news right? Now we can look into it.' Stiles said not getting the point.

'She said Yn is gonna destroy us all, it's her fate.' Scott said. 'But maybe she just wanted to scare you.'

'I think it's the best if we just look into it and maybe asked Derek if he knows something about it.' Stiles said. 'Don't worry about it too much when we don't have all the information.' He said to me trying to comfort me. I just nodded my head wanting to go home.

Scott his dad arrived with the police. Scott talked to his dad while Liam came up to me.

'Are you okay? Are you hurt?' Liam said coming up to me already asking questions.

'I'm fine, see I'm not hurt.' I said to Liam.

Scott came up to us after he was done talking to his dad.

'Where is Kira?' He asked Liam.

'She took off.' Liam replied. 'Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the Deadpool.'

'Her mom is on it.' Scott said.

'Everyone is on it.' Liam said.

'Not everyone.' I said to him knowing that we weren't on the list.

'You guys are not.' Said Scott a bit relieved.

'Yet.' Liam said being pessimistic.

I left Scott and Liam and went to the animal clinic where I knew Stiles and Brett where going to be. As I got there I saw Brett shaking heavily on the table, with Stiles trying to hold him down with Derek.

'Great you're here help hold him down.' Stiles said struggling.

I tried to do the same thing in the locker room and it worked. Suddenly there where red wisps that that I just to hold down Brett as I was doing it I didn't know that a man came in or that my eyes were glowing bright red. While Deaton had cut him open and a yellow sort of gas came out of it, he motioned to me to stop holding him down.

'Well who do we have here?' The unknown man asked. 'A Scarlet Witch right in front of me.'

'How do you know what I am?' I asked intrigued.

'My sister told me stories about your kind.' The man said. 'Very dangerous if you don't have control.'

'Yn this is Peter, Derek his uncle the one that turned Scott.' Stiles said while pushing me a bit behind him away from Peter.

'So you're the psychopath, I heard some stories about you.' I said to Peter.

'I like her.' Peter said to the others.

Before I could say something I heard something else from the table.

'The sun, the moon, the truth.' Brett whispered.

'Three things can not long be hidden.' I said getting surprised looks. 'It's Buddhist.'

'How do you know that?' Stiles asked me.

'I studied it at my old school because I had good grades I could do something extra instead of going to normal classes.' I explained.

'How many advance classes did you have?' Stiles asked.

'All of them except math.' I said.

'How smart are you?' Stiles asked in disbelief.

'Impressive but to get back on the subject.' Peter started. 'Buddhist that means he is from Satomi's pack.'

After all of that Stiles took me home, I went upstairs and fell asleep right away.


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