part one

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Keys dangling, locker unlocking, books in and out and a 18 years old curly haired boy who is exhausted by the day he had

"Hey you" two familiar female voices behind him says

"Hey too me too" he turn around to his sister and her bestest friend Sara and Felice "What's up?"

"So, were throwing a party-" Sara says

"Yes. I'm going to that party, even though I don't know what it is, I don't care what it is, I just need a break from exams" Simon cuts her off completely without any context of it

"Woah I came here to ask you if it's okay to throw a party at our place, but I guess I'll take that as a yes" Sara says

"It is so, it is a yes!" Simon smiles

"Really?" Felice reassures him

"Absolutely, who's coming?" Simon nods confidentiality

"Stella, Fredrika, Henry, Walter, Madison, Alex, you know, the group, us and you. Invite Rosh and Ayub if you want too" Sara explained

"Great, okay" Simon smiles and turns around, back at his locker

"Oh and guess what the party's about" Felice smirks

"What" Simon replies eyes still in his locker

"Willes surprise birthday party!" Felice continues

Simon's face immediately drops. Simon had this hate for Wille for 3 years now, infact they both had a hate towards each other. Reason still unknown but people like to think that it was because Simon basically threatened the monarchy, but that's not official.

"So happy you could come! 5 tomorrow, at yours and Sara's see you there!" Felice and Sara walks away

"Fuck" Simon whispers head on the top frame of his locker regretting his decision immediately


"What if I just stay in my room with the door locked" Simon tried

"You already made your decision Simon, theres no going back" Sara says

Simon groans opening the door of their house to clear it up before the party

"How about mama, wouldn't she mind" Simon hangs his coat at the coat hanger rack

"Me and you know very well she's out tomorrow" Sara heads to the kitchen and grab some food

Simon groans, again. His phone suddenly chimes:

 His phone suddenly chimes:

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