part two

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Simon tried his best to avoid Wille to not create bad side effects and not to ruin his happy day and joy

"Where are you going!?" Sara laugh screams through the loud music to Wille who's slowly walking away

"Toilet, be back in a sec" He disappears from the crowd and too the bathroom

He shuts the door of the bathroom then pauses when he turned around to see a tired curly headed boy on the floor

"Hey asshole get out I need to go" Wille kicks his legs


"Asshole?" He goes down on his knees to check on him "Hello?" He slaps lightly his face again and again

"What the fuc- Oh, it's you" Simon finally wakes

"Jesus you had me worried" Wille leans back on the door legs spread out

"Nice to see you care about me" Simon sits up getting to a comfortable position

"Yea because it wouldn't be nice to see you dead wouldn't it"

"Im just wasted not dead"

"Yeah yeah, get out I need to piss"

Simon didn't respond, instead he gaged then puked in the toilet bowl, flushed it, walked to the sink to wash his mouth and back on the floor

"That's disgusting" Wille says

"That's you the next day" Simon wipes his mouth with his hands

There were complete silence for a while

"Okay are you not going to leave and let me piss?" Wille breaks the silence between them

"I need to puke"

"Then puke somewhere at the kitchen sink or anywhere till I'm done then"

"I would, but I'm too fucking sore to do that and if I wasn't, I'm still not letting you cause I hate you" Simon angrily glare at him

Willes jaw clenches "Okay I really can't with this shit, when are you going to forgive me for what I did was right?!" Willie stands in anger

Simon scoffs "I did, it was you who said I overreacted!" Simon does the same and walks a step closer to him

"Yeah! Because you did"

"Is ignoring someone cause they didn't feel like it called overreacting!?"


And there it is, so much for avoiding and disappearing. They were so carried away from fighting they never really noticed how close they were, chest were attached, thighs were attached, face so close they can feel eachothers breath blow on their faces, and lips, lips so close they were almost touching.

And! they were
They were touching with all of their desires, all of their strength and all of their...


They were shortly interrupted by a knocking sound on the door

"Wille you there?" A familiar voice behind the door says

The two boys pull away from the kiss in shock, eyes widened, eyebrows confused, lips swollen

"Ye-yea I'm in here" Wille shouts

"Hurry up then, your missing the fun" the voice laughs

Simon wipes his mouth and hurries through the door, which leaves the person at the door confused

"Hey what was Simon doing here?" Sara goes through the door halfway either confused or worried or to drunk to think shit

"Nothing, i- I don't know" Wille stutters turning around to face here

"Did you two fight or anything?"

"No, we just talked. Close the door can you, trying to piss here" he points to the toilet


"Absolutely! there's nothing to worry about" He smiles

"Okay" Sara shuts the door giving him the privacy and runs to Simon who is headed to Ayub and Rosh, but Sara gets him first

"Hey Simon" Sara shouts to him

"Hey Sara" Simon answers quietly

"Hey, what's up between you and Wille? Did you too fight? It better not be"

"What? No, we just, err, talked! Just talked, that's it, talk."



It happened already!!!??

Haha apologies if it happened to fast, but Im really bad at slowburns so sorry

Also anyone confused about their fight cause I am??(it was for future parts) keep your theories going! 'why do they hate eachother??' hmm

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