part fourteen

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Simon woke up in his bed. He forgot what his bed feels like since he's always stumbling to Willes bed, he observes the perspective of the room from his bed this time

He observes the walls, the wardrobe at the end of both of their beds and a wrinkle white blouse hanging on Willes wardrobe. He observes Willes bed, he realized that the mattress cover between his bed and Willes bed are actually not very similar. He probably changed it but that's what Simon thought. Simon's eyes move to Wille who was sitting on the end of the bed, on the phone speaking in his inside voice so he won't wake Simon up, and in a blue t-shirt that belongs to Simon

Simon observes again, but not the room this time, this time it was Wille with his messy hair, pale lips, up-turned nose and beautiful brown eyes. Simon continued observing till the end of the call

"Okay mam- Alright! I'll think about it. Yes, bye" Wille hangs up and immediately turns to Simon
"Hey, I'm sorry did I wake you up?" Wille ask placing his phone on the table

Simon shake his head as a no and sits up "Who was that" he gestures his head to the phone on the table

"My mom" Wille replies, Simon gave him a face to continue "She's been bothering me  about being king-- prince thing ever since my brother, You know, even though I made it clear I don't want it" Wille continues

Simon made a confused face "Meaning?" He said

"I came out as unlabeled to my family when I was fifteen" Wille felt bit uncomfortable saying that

"Oh. I knew you are unlabeled but I didn't know you came out, to the royal family?"

"Well I don't like to go back to that night" Wille lowers his voice volume

"Oh I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" Simon felt a knife of guilt stabbing his heart

"No, no it's okay, it's fine, you were curious anyways" Wille brushes through Simon's hair

They stay quiet

"So you have parental issues?" Simon hesitates

"When you put it like that, seems like it" Wille replies changing his position to lean on the wall

"I'm sorry did that sound weird or any personal" Simon joins beside Wille "You know, I have the same thing too, parent issues"

"What! I thought Linda was an angel, your words" Wille looks at him smiling

"No" Simon chuckles " My dad, actually, he was the problem. He uhh, sell drugs and uses them, and I remember he abuses us" Simon hesitates sentence after sentence

"Oh you don't really have to describe it if you're uncomfortable" Wille stops Simon mid-talking placing his hand on Simon's lap

"No, it's not that, it's just I don't quite remember alot of him in my childhood, I mean I remember him going to jail but that was pretty recently" Simon puts his head on Willes shoulder

"Well my father is similar to absent aswell, even though he's right Infront of me while family dinners he's still quite and like never there" Wille put his head on Simon head

"Wow there's so much we don't know about eachother" Simon removes his head of Willes shoulder to look him in the eye smiling

"You want to know more?" Wille asks

"Yes I do" Simon chuckles "Okay so when I was, what, twelve..."

A really, really really really really very very very short part that I had to squeeze in today to do I'm so sorry I'm just not feeling well I'm really sorry

Since I'm probably okay I'll post more again I apologize please please please forgive me, next part is coming soon I hope I can promise this this time

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