part six

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Simon enters their dorm, placing his bag and books on his bed and getting changed immediately

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Wille asks from his bed standing up, startling Simon

"Jesus! I didn't know you were there! Im late for a shift for Christ sake, I feel like I'm catching a cold" Simon rants while changing "And can't you mind your own business so you won't bother mine?"

"You just told me yours" Wille sits on his bed

"I-" Simon pauses, realizing what he did "Fuck off won't you?" Simon finishes with changing and leaves

Wille chuckles, then he spots a forgotten jacket on Simon's bed. He stops to think whether to give it to him or leave it, but he decides to leave it there become he doesn't give a shit.

Then suddenly his phone chimes:

Wille shuts his phone, stares at the jacket still on the bed for a while, then grabs it along with a hoodie which was hanging from his closet and leaves the room

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Wille shuts his phone, stares at the jacket still on the bed for a while, then grabs it along with a hoodie which was hanging from his closet and leaves the room


"Simon! Can you take table 6 for me?" A waitress called

"Sure" him and the waitress switch places

Simon walks over to the ordered table and his face lit up in a mix of shock and joy when he saw the persons sitting there

"Hey you!" Simon face scrunched up in joy

"That's our line!" Felice joked

Simon chuckles "Didn't expect you guys here?"

"We wanted to surprise you!" Sara laughs

"Of course, Sara and surprising, the most thing I expect from you!" Simon moves his eyes to Wille raised eyebrow

Wille made eye contact "They wanted to surprise you, I'm here to pay and drink"

"Glad you agreed" Simon shrunk his smile

"Uhh when's your next break?" Sara tries to change the subject

Simon's eyes are back on Saras smiling back bigger "My shifts over for another 16 minutes, can you wait that long?"

"Yup, schools finished early anyways" Felice says

"Great, want anything while the break?" Simon pulls out a menu in hand, Sara pulls her hand out asking for the menu in it, Simon hands it to her


"Jesus! Why is it freezing in March? Simon wraps his hands around him as soon their out of the bakery and sneezing

"You didn't bring a jacket?" Felice says putting her hands in her jackets pocket

"He was, supposed to, but he forgot it on the way" Wille hands over the jacket he picked off from his bed a while ago, Simon takes it and put it on

Sara puts confused face "This is almost the first time I see you doing something good to Simon"

"I was planning on leaving it not giving a single shit and let Simon suffer in the cold and become ice so we won't care for him anymore" Willes sarcastic deadly side comes out

"Ouch! And also, bitch! I'm still forgiving you for that one fight" Simon acts all shocked and like he's not used to it by now

"At least your aware it was and only 'one'?" Felice joked, Simon pushes her shoulder

"Okay okay where are we headed?" Simon asks


They have hung out at the mall since it was the only thing near town and only place in mind

The girls had disappeared when they saw a clothes shop filled with their liking, leaving Simon and Wille waiting somewhere on a bench

"Are you okay?" Wille sees Simon who keeps drinking water and holding a cough

"Nothing, just" Simon inhales "Sore throat. And why do you care?" His voice all raspy

Wille looks around "I don't, forget about it"

There was complete silence till the girls came back with hands full of bags

"Woah, anything there for me?" Simon chuckles

"There would, if you joined" Sara said, Simon and Wille took some off the bags off Sara and Felice's hands and continued walking

"I know but I don't feel like it" Simon puts a sad frown

"That doesn't sound like you, are you okay?" Sara checks

"Yea, I'm fine, I just feel and cold coming"

"We can go home, we stayed long enough?"

Simon looks at Wille and Felice at his left then back to Sara, he wrapped one of his arm around her shoulder "Okay let's go"


They got back shortly thanks to a taxi, Simon gets changed to something comfortable and suitable to sleep in while Wille is just on his bed

Simon looks at Wille from his side of his eye "Your not going to change?"

"Why would you care?" Wille mimicks

Simon turns to him, glaring. Wille does the same for a while

"I'm going out for a smoke" Wille stands and heads for the door "Wouldn't be long" he grabs a jacket

"Wouldn't care less actually" Simon says, Willie leaves

Simon tucked him himself to sleep and really tries to ignore but can't help but to keep wondering

Where the fuck is Wille?

Sleep for Christ sake Simon

Almost forgot to write oml.

I didn't know what to do for this chapter so you end up getting this, apologies!!!!😞😞😞

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