part sixteen

410 17 4

Wille wakes up to the sunlight shining directly onto his face so it's the first thing he sees in the morning. The second thing he sees is a curly headed sleeping beautiful boy, Wille smiles admiring him with one eye while the other fights with the bright but comforting sunshine

A while after hair playing, Simon finally wakes to see a dark blonde messy hair boy "Hey" the boy described says

"Hi" the other replies

"Good morning" the two say unexpectedly in sync then laughs by it

An hour passes by with long eye contacts, touching, a little kissing here and there. No words, just comfort in eachothers presence

"Hey" Simon breaks the ice "Can I ask?"

"Anything" Wille shakes his head lightly

"What are we?"

The both pauses to find an answer

"Aren't we taking things slow?" Wille shrugs

"I know, but" Simon pauses "Hasn't it's been slow enough?"

Wille puts a face of confusion
"I mean" Simon talks again to clear it up "This situationship, can I say situationship?" Wille nods in yes, Simon nods in understood and immediately continues "This situationship has been going on for nearly 3 months now, shouldn't we be figuring us out?"

"So, you want to be boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends?" Simon speaks his mind saying the word in awe

"Yea, secret ones for now" Wille smiles

"Yea" Simon eyes lights up along with his smile "Boyfriends"

"You're okay with that?" Wille checks raising an eyebrow

"I'm more than okay" Simon smiles as he tackles Wille to a kiss

Simon drops his pen as he hears his phone ringing
"Yea, hey?" He picks it up and put it on speaker

"Hey Simon, uhh quick question is my jacket in your house?" Ayub on the phone says as Wille quietly comes through the door, Simon smiles but then goes back to Ayub

"Uhh not sure, you can check though mamas home" Simon fidgets with his pen

"Oh alright alright, bye simme" Ayub hangs up

"Simme?" Wille plops onto the bed "I thought I created that"

"Ayub caught onto I guess" Simon replies continuing studying

This time it's Willes phone that rings

Before Willie could even talk his mom says immediately
"Wille, we found the killer of your brother's case"

Ummm cliffhanger!!
I'm honestly soo so so so soooo sorry for not posting a lot I'm just dealing with alot of studying and mental health thingsss so it's hard for me but I'll try everything to give you guys a new chapter a month hope that's okay thoo

Anywayss here is part 16 as promised part 17 coming early as another sorry,
Click some buttons and see u nextt partt lovee 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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