part thirteen

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"Hey Simon, uhh can I tell you something" Izzy says as she leans on the counter of the bakery while Simon's work is clear

"Yea, sure, what's up?" Simon answers

"Well, things with me and Marcus are getting much worse"

Simon's facial expression jumps "Why? What has he done to you?" He asks full of worry

"We're being really intense this week and he's being real controling towards me" She struggles to speak but eventually gets it out

Simon faces her "Wait, intense like?" He pauses to think "Abuse?" He whispers still very worried

Izzy slowly nods "That's why I want to tell you this" she fidgets with her fingers "I told Marcus we're having a date at a restaurant with you and Wille, so it's like a double date so he won't be confused, but the real reason your there is to just help me confront Marcus for me because I'm afraid he'll manipulate the shit out of me" she takes a breath "So yea, you'll help break up with Marcus for me, i-if your up for it of course!"

"Iz" Simon pauses to look at her deeply "Your one of my bestest friends and if I could, I would keep all of you out of danger, especially your topic type of danger, so of course I'm up to it just make me do some adjustments with Wille and some other stuff and you would be out of that man's list of currents"

Izzy smiles "Oh thank you Simon your the best!" She hugs him

"Anything, send me the location, date and time, unless we're going there together?"

"Oh no, Marcus is driving me but I'll send you just that"

"Alright, I'm gonna head back" Simon walks to the staff room

"Late for your curfew?" Izzy says as he does

"No, just touchstarved as fuck"

"Clingy much?"

"Very much"


"Hey" Simon says closing the door behind him and goes on Willes bed to lay his head on Wille shoulder

"Hey" Wille put his homework books behind him to give Simon all of his attention "Exhausting shift?"

"Yea, missed you" Simon felt a little cringe in that sentence which lead to an embarrassment feeling, but he said it anyway because it was true

"You missed me?" Wille felt a smile grew on him "That's cute"

Simon lift his head up "Your cuter" he brushed Wille cheek while scrunching his nose, Wille smiles "Also" Simon gets to a comfortable position by crossing his legs "We're having dinner with Izzy and Marcus sooner or later, im helping Izzy to break up to Marcus, you'll be there just for company, nothing big"

"Your helping Izzy breaking up with Marcus, you meant?" Simon nods "And we're having a double date with Marcus and Izzy?"

Simon nods but stops halfway "Well it's not a date for us, not officially, unless you want it to be?"

"Well I'm the one who's waiting for you"

"Right" Simon presses his own lips together "I don't want this to be our official date or anything, it's just a friend in help and we're not on the dating level anyway, but I'm sure sooner or later we will, well I hope, just wait for me alright?"

"You have all my patience" Wille smiles softly

Simon mirrors Willes smile. His feelings for Wille is getting more and more huge, it's almost like having a secret crush back in primary school all over again.

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