part twelve

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"Where are you?" Felice says as soon Izzy picks up her phone with a ringtone that so loud and woke up Simon off Willes chest

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"Where are you?" Felice says as soon Izzy picks up her phone with a ringtone that so loud and woke up Simon off Willes chest

"Simon and Willes dorm they let me crash" Izzy rubs her eyes still half awake

"Stay right where you are I'm coming" Felice ends the call and Simon buries his head back in Willes naked chest

"You know, if Felice saw us like this, she'll think we fucked" Wille says to Simon playing with his hair, pointing the fact that they are in their boxers and boxers only

"Grab a fucking shirt then" Simon mumbles in Willes chest

"I would but your blocking me from getting up"

"30 minutes and Felice would still be on the way"

"He actually got a point though" Izzy says

"Are you two calling Felice slow?" Wille faces Izzy

"Well if you put it like tha-"

"She would so cry if she heard that" Izzy interrupts Simon

"Now we're saying she's a crybaby" Simon chuckles

"To be honest in our group, your the real cry baby here" Izzy facial expressions points to Wille

"Me!?" Wille exclaims

"Yea but your like a pretty crier though" Simon lifts his head to face him

"Aw was that a compliment?" Wille smiles and Simon tilt his head while smiling aswell

"Boo boring" Izzy interrupts their sweet moment "You're only saying that because your dating him, if you two were still enemies, you would strongly agree"

"We're not even at the dating point" Wille rolls his eyes

"What did you expect me say while you two have no label, sex partners?" Izzy jokes

"Ew Izz!" Wille exclaims

"Okay while we're off topic of Felice, she's probably nearby" Simon grunts as he changes his position to the opposite side of the bed from Wille is "Grab my pants as you grab yours?"

"Mhm!" Wille hums in agreement and does as he says and while that a knock on the door as predicted

Wille hands Simon his pants as he wears a hoodie on the floor in a hurry and quickly opens the door

"Hey Feli-"

"Felice!" Izzy cuts Willie off by hugging Felice as soon she noticed she was at the door

"Izzy" Felice joins the hug "Ugh! Its been years!" She lets go from the hug the face her "Oh my god you looked pretty as before, and you let your curls, curl!"

"Yours too!" Izzy exclaimed

Felice laughs"How long have you been in Sweden?!"

"Last week" Izzy shrugs smiling

"Last wee- did you even bother looking for me" Felice pushes Izzy's shoulder

"I was, I did, I just-"

"Don't you two wanna come inside?" Wille still opening the door wide enough, Felice looks at him and grabs Izzy's arm to put it around hers

"Nope, going back to the girls, bye!" Her and Izzy walks away and their voice echoes "Everyone was so pissed you didn't tell us you came back,,,"

Wille looks at Simon, closing the door "Why are you so red?" Wille notice Simon's face is almost similar with a tomato

Simon quickly buries his face in his hands "Your wearing my hoodie" he mumbles taking a tiny peek between his index and middle finger

Wille looks down and noticed the purple hoodie that he is wearing but not his keeping "Oh"


"We always do this" Wille giggles walking to Simon and drowns himself in him

Simon giggle with, Wille spring his head up to share an eye contact to tell Simon that he desperately wants a kiss but with his eyes, way of Simon responding is just pull the hood of the hoodie Wille is wearing so Wille head falls on Simon chest

Wille whines moving to the crook of Simon's neck

"Wille please, we just woke up" Simon brush Willes hair while he kisses Simon neck softly not wanting to leave marks

"And?" Wille mumbles in Simon's neck

"And I haven't brushed my teeth" Simon brings Wille head up to look at him

"I haven't aswell" Wille moves a curl that's blocking Simon's in his opinion beautiful face

"You've been awake long"

"Its mouth to mouth not mouth to nose?"

"That sounded disgusti-" Simon's sentence got cut off by a kiss that Wille desperately wanted from the start

"Your right, it smells horrible" Wille breaks the kiss to joke

"It's not mouth to nose, how are you smelling it?"

"Oh so now you do agree?"

Simon pauses realizing he's right "Shut up" he whispers pushing Willes head so it leans for another kiss

Super short one because I feel bad not giving you guys anything this whole month I apologize deeply but I'm working on the next chapter right this second, thanks to this school break you'll get many more chapters in the future again I apologize you don't really need to forgive me but you can press some buttons though

Next chapter will come shortly hopefully, I promise

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