chapter ten

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    (For some reason I can put the cover at the top so just ignore this)


It has been a week since the 'take it slow thing' and Simon was positive that he was going to sleep on his bed tonight doing his homework while, but that night had to have different plans for him

Simon was on a bed that wasn't his. The bed was cold as if he knew Wille wasn't there with him, he looked up to see Wille surrounded by his homework papers on his bed

"What are you doing?" Simon yawns rubbing his eyes to clear his vision sitting up

"Morning, and doing your homework? Is this obvious?" He lifts up a book

"Well, I just woke up so not really" he rubs his eyes again walking to the other bed with Wille on it, grabs his hoodie so it was just that and his boxers and sits next to him head on his shoulder

He studys the answer on the book Wille is copying down from, which belongs to him but the answers aren't

"Where'd you get these answers?" He takes his own book

"Here" he pats on his book

"And where did you get the answers from here?"

"Google" wille hesitates

"Where are the not found on the internet questions or work?"

"There" he points on the multiple books stack on the table

Simon takes one of them and read a question "Didn't we already learnt this? The answer is clearly easy" the snatch the pen from his hand

"I'm lazy to think" now it's Willes head on Simon's shoulder as he is calculating the answer

"Why are you doing my homework anywa- wait, are you doing this just for me to spend more time with you?" He points at Wille who is guilty with the pen he had

"Maybe" he sang shrugging

"Just admit it!"

Wille laughs "Fine, yes" he groaned

"Knew it" Simon jumped and continues calculating


"Done!" Wille jumped closing a book

"Done with what?" Simon says looking at him phone Infront his face head on Willes lap

Wille looked at him with a dead annoyed face "Your homework? What have I been doing in front of your eyes these past minutes?"

"It was actually a whole hour and being cute" Simon sits up and takes the book "If you get any of these wrong I'm going to kill you"

"Believe me all of that is the only and correct answer"


"My smartness of course"

Smartness my ass, you don't even know the simplest thing in any subject existence"

"I do, but I chose not to"

"Oh yeah?"

"I can be smart when I want to" Wille shrugs, Simon scoffs smirking reading a text

"Come on let's go" Simon sits up

"Go where exactly?"

"Sara and Felice, hungovers" he gets dress

"They had a party?" Wille does the same

"Girls party, yea"

"So is everyone hungover?"

"Believe so"


"Knock knock hello?" Simon imitates the knocking sound on a door, going through it carefully, revealing one tired girl on her bed and the other somewhere

"Where's Sara?" Simon asks

"Toilet" Felices voice is sleepy dead

Simon walks slowy there to see Sara on the toilet floor

"Hey" he said knelling down to her puting her hair behind her ear "Feel like shit now?"

Sara scoffs "Yea"

Simon looks up to the sink he stands up and grabs a clean napkin, wet it, and brush her face with it

Wille on his right leaning at the frame of the open toilet door arms crossed slightly blushing and trying not to smile to much and not even focusing Sara but Simon where he find his worried expression completely adorable

Simon slowing brings Sara to her bed

"Hey are you guys to gonna care about me?" Felice mumbles in her pillow

Wille rushes to her, sitting on her bed "No were not" he joked Felice flips him off


"Hey" Wille says sitting on the floor next to Sara's bed

"Hey" Simon turn to him slowly carefully not disturbing Sara's sleep

"She asleep?" Wille points to Sara with his head

Simon looks at her and nods, Wille smile at the sight of it

"What's so funny?" Simon looks at him back, the smile he have on his face

"Nothing, just, seeing you actually care for Sara without any sarcasm, is just, you know, cute"

"Aww, your cute too" Wille felt his cheek rushing up in heat, Simon noticed and looked at Sara "And you know love-hate sibling things" Simon said without thinking

Immediately after he said that he look at hin eyes widen in shock of what he said

"Shit, I'm sorry"

Wille laughs "What are you apologizing for" they exchanged looks and Wille got the answer from his eyes


"No, no, you don't really had to apologize, I mean it was truly traumatizing and uneasy to forget after all these years about Eriks death and to add on that, I was also the first person to witness such a crime of my own brother stabbed and shot multiple times, I just-"

"Willie?" Simon stops him "Your crying"

Wille runs a finger across his eye feeling a drop of water "Oh" he chuckles in pain

Simon looks at him worried in his watery eyes, he joined him on the floor and hugged him. Wille on the other hand froze didn't know what to do, he never really had a hug thats was true before, but he always needed one,

Homework, helping the hungovers and remembrance of a loved one

Just to clear things up about Eriks death: he didn't die of a car crash instead he was found on the kitchen floor stabbed in the chest and shot in the head with Wille founding him right after. Killer still unknown but maybe we'll know but maybe 🤷

When's the last time I post 🤔 well if it was long I'm sorry then, good news there's a long school break (my school not sure for others) so if I have time in that I'm sure to write something

Click on some buttons if you enjoyed it through and meet you next chapter!

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