part seven

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Simon woke up in bed sick. He texted Sara a while ago maybe 1 o'clock in the morning that he was sick not feeling well and not going to school. He expected Sara to come to his dorm to take care of him, like they usually do as kids because their parents didn't gave a single fuck about them, but when he turn around, he saw Wille on the chair beside him

"What the fuck are you do- wait, let me guess, Sara?" Simon knew exactly sure Sara told Wille for him

"Ding ding ding!" Wille answers watching his phone

"I was expecting Sara"

"Well she had a group project with Felice, Stella and Fredrika if your cold made your memory gone"

"I have a cold and had a nap not a concussion"

"Never said you were" Wille places his phone on the table

Simon tries to sit up straight "What time is it?" his head all lightweighted

"While school"

Simon stares at him, Wille sighs checking his phone

"8 21 which is the time for your medication Sara left" Wille reaches for the plastic bag on the table, he tries to open the cap of the medication

Simon snatches it away from him "I can do that myself"


"Fuck-" Simon whispers loudly, sitting up too fast making his head hurt

"What's wrong?" Wille asks from his own bed

"What do you ca- you know what forget it, water please" Simon points at the glass of water, Wille pass it's to him

Wille looks at him while he's drinking and drinking repeatedly, Wille moves the back of his palm close to Simon's forehead

"What the fuc-" Simon flinches turning his head the other way

"I'm checking your temperature can I?"

Simon sighs and tilts his head up

"F- Ah your burning!" Wille exclaims removing the hand on his automatically. Wille grabs a napkin and wet it by the sink, he goes back to Simon and puts the wet napkin near to his face

"I can do-" Simon tries to take the napkin out of his hand

"No" Wille moves his hand backwards not letting Simon grabs it


"Why not? You don't even know what your doing if you do it yourself"

"With my own face?"

"Can we just get this over with"

Simon sighs "Fine"

Wille dabs the wet napkin on Simon's face starting at his forehead to his face and cheek. Simon gets all flustered for some reason that he don't know of, but the answer to that is definitely not love.

Or, maybe, is it?

This moment and thought got interrupted by a cough from Simon

"You okay?" Wille checks

Simon sniffs and pauses "Why are you suddenly caring for me?"

"I'm not" he continues dabing the wet napkin on his face "I'm doing this because Sara told me too"

"Not for me?"


"Then why did you agree"

He pauses for a while

"Because I had too"

His answer is dead no emotion no eye contact no nothing


"Shit my head hurts so bad" Simon whines sinking his head in his palms

Wille looks up to him "That's your face"

Simon sprung up his head up to him "Then my face hurts then" Simon snapped sarcastically

"Hello? Anyone home?" A familiar voice behind the door sang

"Nope! Get out!" Wille yelled, standing up and getting the door

"Oh I thought no one's here" Felice joked, Sara laughed

Wille chuckles "Come in you two"

Sara runs to Simon "Aww my baby all sick" Sara joked squishing Simon's face

"Okay okay ouch" Simon puts her hands away

"Tell me what did Wille did, did he hurt you aww you poor one" Felice joined joking too

Simon chuckles looking at Wille as he quickly avoids eye contact and smirks

He turns back to them sad frowning "He shouted at me, made me eat the medication my own and didn't care about me" he whines, the girls gasp at every sentence


They all burst out in laughter

Simon gasps for air "Okay okay my stomach hurts now"

"Haha I can't breathe now" Felice giggled


They all laugh again

Okay sick Simon got it, but someone slowly falling in love? Are we getting closer?

Okay I know we didn't got a chapter yesterday but I got caught up in school and forgot to publish this apologies apologies apologies:(

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