part three

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Fast forward to a typical boring Monday, Simon tried to ignore Wille for his sake. But his as soon he entered his class there he is

Simon tried to walk past him, hoping he wouldn't notice a thing
But no, he has to be there, he's always there.

"Hey" Wille stops Simon by pulling the cuff of his shirt

Simon let out a breath of fear and sits to the seat next to him


"Are we not going to talk about what happened?"

"Absolutely not, it was a mistake, a accident that will not and never going happened again, bye" He rushed

"Wilhelm working with Simon-" the teacher checks

"Wait, what, no- I'm sorry but I wasn't staying here for long" Simon rambled

"Even though that, all the seats are taken so Wilhelm it is" the teacher explained and continued

Simon groans and slammed his head on the table

"Your stuck with me then" Wille joked

Simon groans again

"Hey you two okay about this?" Felice ask from behind us

"I'm more than okay Fe" Wille smiles

"Simon? You alright there" Sara who is beside Felice ask

Simon sprung his head from the table and face behind

"Yes, Sara, I'm fine, I'm okay, I'm happy, I. Am. Fine." He smile though the pain which is obvious by the tone of voice and shape of his smile

Wille smiles by the sight of it


"Hey you" a voice behind Simon says

Simon smiles by the voice "Hey me- oh it's you" Then he turns around to see the person he least expected to see

"Hi you" Wille smirks

"Look, if your here to talk about the night, I get it, confusing, yea yea, but I think I made it super clear that I don't want to speak about it." Simon explained closing his locker

"Woah, I was asking about the project thing" Wille laughs

Simon eyes widen in embarrassment "Oh" is all he let out

"So my house or yours?"

"Umm my house is still a mess so, yours?"

"Alright, so my dorm after school?"

Simon nods slowly

"Okay, see you then" He walks away

Simon slams his head on his locker mouthing the word "fuck" quietly


"So are we really not going to talk about it?" Wille ask as they are walking to his dorm

"Okay fine, I was wasted, you were drunk, we didn't know what the hell was happening at the time so with no permission we kissed okay? Is that clear?" Simon stop their steps to explain

"Okay" Wille continues their step up the school stairs "First of all, alcohol doesn't do shit to me, second of all, no that wasn't clear, I'm asking what the fuck should we do about it?"

"Nothing. We do nothing, just forget about it, move on, don't tell anyone" They stop their track by the front of the door

Wille just stares at him thinking about his words not noticing that they have arrived at their destination. Simon points at the door with his eyes showing that their here. Wille snaps back to reality looking back showing his front door, he unlocks it and steps inside

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