chapter eight

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Sara gaps "We should go to that party next Thursday night! The whole school is coming" Sara exclaims as they're all are walking to class

"Ahh you know I what, I would, I would love too, but Rosh's got a game that day. It's the finales" Simon wraps his hand on Saras shoulder

Felice gaps "The finales!? Say my good lucks to her!"

Simon chuckles "Of course"

"Okay, back too the party, Felice and I are coming, Simon's not, how about you Wille? You coming?" Sara asked Wille who is watching his phone with earplugs in

He looks to her and take an earplug out "W-what?"

"Party? Thursday? 8?" Sara stated

"No thanks, don't really feeling for a party actually" He insisted

"Really! Awh come on you guys are so much not fun!" Felice groans

"Sorry!" Wille smiles


"Why are you not going to the party on Thursday?" Simon asks Wille while unlocking his locker

"Why not? You aren't?" Wille opens his locker

"With a specific reason, you just didn't go because you didn't want to" Simon takes some books in and out

"I don't!" Wille shrugs

"And why for?"

"Because I don't want too!? Can you not understand that?"

"Yes, Wille, yes, I understand. Jesus why are you suddenly getting all mad?"

"I'm not" Wille answers quietly shutting his locker locking and walking away leaving Simon all mad and confused

"Yo, bro! Your missing one of the best party of your life!" Sara screams with loud music in the back in the video Simon clicked that Sara send

"What's that?" Ayub takes a peek

Simon chuckles "Sara" he turns his phone to him "Having the day of her life"

"School party?" Ayub asked, Simon nods "Why did you didn't join, Wille there?"

"No!" Simon almost shouts "It was for Rosh of course!" He hesitated

"Hmm" Ayub nods

"I'm serious here!" Simon smacks his shoulder

Ayub puts up his hands in defence "Okay okay!" then pauses to look at him " You know I really don't know if you are in love with him or hate him?"

"Oh please, why would I like that dick?"

"Then is it love?"


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