part four

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"Hey" Simon enters class and sits next to Wille

"Hey" Wille response to him

"You got the work?" Simon coughs

"Uh yeah!" He pulls out a script out of his bag beneath and hands it over to Simon "You- you uhh got home okay?"

Simon scoffs "Since when did you care?"

Wille shrugs "I'm not, just checking."

"Got a bit rain on me, but that's really none of your business" Simon gives back the sheet of paper

Wille glares at him and receive the paper. Silence continues

"Hey you two" Sara enters and immediately greets us with a smile and a pat on our heads

Simon chuckles "Hey, good mood?"

"Always" Sara scoffs sits at the table behind the back of Simon

"More like once in a while" Wille jokes, Sara smaks his head "I'm kidding, I'm kidding"

"You better be" Sara placing her bag somewhere beside her "Hey have you congratulated mama?"

"Yup, we even celebrated, the food there is so worth for, try the coffee!" Simon hand over his water bottle filled with coffee

"Without me?" Sara puts on a sad frown on her face as she sips the drink, her face immediately lit up in awe when she took a sip "Holy- this is amazing"

"Mamas work hey?" Simon raises a eyebrow

Sara chuckles "You both done with the project?" She changes the subject

"No, couldn't think shit for the last three paragraphs" Wille hands over the pictures of paper too her "When is this due?"

"Three days due, so, tomorrow" Sara reads half a sentence in the script and gives it back

"Where's Felice?" Simon ask

"Called in sick. Wanna check on her tonight? think she'll want company"

"Ahh I can't tonight, gotta do something, sorry" Wille says

"Wow a 'something' over you bestest friends health? When did you be so cruel to her?" Saras places her hand on her heart

Simon laughs "He's always has been"

"You two shut up" They all laughs


"No shit, 'something'!?" Felice exclaims

"Yeah! It left us both confused, like you can't go off to a certain 'something' and not telling us where it is?" Sara laughs

Simon sits there, watching the girls laughing, happy. He smiles at the sight of it, of the sight his sister having a friend. But of course that friend had to be a best friends to his most hatred.

It disappoints him that he's thinking about him, but still, he can't help but wonder:

"What the fuck is he at doing?" Simon walks and sits at the same bed the girls are on

"Why? Worried?" Felice tilts her head

"Fuck that! I meant, where would anyone go at almost 11?" Simon almost shouts

They both pause

"Yeah actually, you've got a point, what is he doing and where is he?" Felice says

"He didn't tell us" Sara shrugs

There was a moment of silence leaving them three to think

"Actually I'm going home, it's getting late" Simon grabs his bag

"You leaving us?" Sara says and Felice puts a sad frown on

Simon scoffs "Yes I am, I gotta pick up mama anyways, we're waking home"

"Alright, be safe okay?" Sara eyes widened

"Of course" Simon leaves


"Where the fuck where you last night?" Simon immediately sits down on the seat beside Wille

Wille scoffs "Why? Worried?"

"You sound like Felice" Simon mumbles inaudibly, facing the opposite way

"What's that mumbles?" Wille tilts his head

"Nothing!" Simon faces back at him smiling obviously sarcastically "It just, your two best friends were worried, and, you look like shit" Simon moves Wille to face his direction by moving his chin

Wille shakes away the hand beneath his chin "Was that supposed to be a compliment?"

"No, it was a mean response. A-are you hungover? Have you been drinking?"

"For fuck's sake no! Alcohol doesn't do shit to me"

"Crack? Smoke? W-"

"No. I don't do any of those stuff" Wille almost screams cutting Simon off

Simon stays in silence, looking at Wille dead in the eye.

Simon eyes move down to his pocket "There's a box full of cigarettes in your pocket"

Wille puts a confused face on and checks "O-okay what do you want me to do about it?"

"To put it in your room before anyone, even worse the teachers to find out"

Wille scoffs and glares at Simon full of hate for a while before getting up and leaves the class

Where is Wille wondering off too🤔🤔🤔 any theories?

Starting to think maybe a chapter a day?(two or more if your lucky) what do you think?

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