part fifteen

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"God I'm so hungry right now, I regret not taking a cab" Izzy groans as they go for a walk to Simons work for brunch on a Saturday morning

"Iz it's just a forty-five minute walk, your feet will be fine" Wille states "Yeah, like you never walked in heels" "You're not even wearing heels now!"

"Can you two just be quiet for a minute, you two fight all the time it's tiring" Felice says

"For real, anyways we're here now who's ordering?" Sara changes the topic

As the three talk Wille takes a peek at the window and see Simon at the counter taking orders

"Fine, I'll order this time" Wille stops the three girls from picking who to order


"What's so bad about ordering anyways" Wille says as they all take their seats

"Honestly, we don't know, we're just lazy" Sara says

Wille chuckles "You three sure about your orders?"

"Always and forever" Izzy says as Wille makes his way to the counter

While Wille does, Sara slowly realizes that the person at the counter is her brother "Shit, Felice" Sara calls "I just realised that Simons at the counter"

"What?" Felice says suprised face and looking behind

"Wait, they're still not okay with eachother?" Izzy joins in the conversation

"I don't know at this point, one minute they're fighting, tossing faces and the next they don't know eachother exist, it's confusing" Felice explains to Izzy

"Let's just make sure they won't cause a scene" Sara says while staring at the two "But weird thing, they're laughing at eachother" The three of them looks

"Huh this is new, I've never seen them laughing together, not smiling as well" Izzy continues doing her own business

"At least it's better than fighting till blood is visible" Felice does the same

"Yeah, we do not want to bring that back"


"Knock, knock" Sara Imitates the knocking sound on Simon and Willes dorm "Hey Simon" Sara comes in like it's her own and sits on Simon bed

"Hey Sara, here for notes?" Simon reply head in books

"You read my mind well and wow I never seen Wille dorm this clean" Sara observes

"Yeah, that's because I live here as well"

"Hmm I love clean Simon" Sara tilts her head about to poke Simons little nose but was blocked by sheets of paper "and smart Simon too, thanks bro"

"Your welcome" Simon says continuing his work

"Hmm one question, are you and Wille.." Sara hesitates to find the best word to describe

Simon gets confused how this became about Wille "Why so sudden?"

"Just asking, you two seems close now from the look at the bakery just now"

"Oh, yeah, we're become close I guess" Simon hesitates

"Oh right, it's just weird seeing you and Wille, the two that fights all the time"

"Alright that was years ago, we're okay now"



Sara stands "Well, alright that's all I gotta know, bye Simon thanks"

Simon chuckles "Alright, bye Sara you're welcome!"

Heyy omgg I'm back im soo sorry for not writing, so guess what, I accidentally forgot my password for this account 😭😭 pretty dumb but that would happen to you as well but anyways at least I got it back ahh thank god

Also sorry if this is to short I had to make some changes last minute anyways please press some buttons any buttons to show your support and love for this book love you all, see you next part 💜💙

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