part five

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"I'm home!" Simon shouts entering his house

"Living room!" Linda shouts

Simon walks to the room she shouted "Hey mama" Simon smiles hugging her

"Hello my sweet boy" She smiles hugging him back

Simon sits on the couch, leaving a space between him and his mom

"What's that?" Simon spots the envelopes she staring and holding on too

"School, house bills" She flips some to back to back

"Yeah? Why the long face?"

She opens one and hands it over to Simon. His face lit up in shock when he read the amount of money shown written in the paper

"Holy- woah, holy woah, this is alot" Simon flips it to make it face his mother and points the written number

"Yeah, and I'm afraid I can't afford it" she takes it from him

"What? How much do they pay you?"
Simon tilts his head

"20 twice a week"

Simon pauses "What if we add that with my money saved?"

"Amor, I know how you desperately want to help me. But that's your college savings"

"I can't go to college without a diploma right? Also it's not even half through the year, I can make money!"

"Where would you get the money?"

Simon pauses to think. "What if" he pauses again to smile "I worked at crystal bakery?"

Linda's eyes lit up "Really?"

"Yea! I heard there was a job opening and we'll get twice the price"

"Ai this is so sweet of you, I love how you make everything easy, love you!" She hugs him tightly "I gonna call my boss now" she pulls out her phone

Simon chuckles

"Oh and you have a mail your own, it has your name" she hands over an envelope form the table

Simon takes it, open it and reads it. His eyes moving back and forth sentence after sentence.

"A Hillerska border?"


Who the fuck would make me a Hillerska border?

That exact sentence repeats in my head as a teacher guides me to my new dorm

"And here it is" the teacher stops at a door

Simon looks at the number


Fuck no

"The princes dorm? Are you kidding me?" Simon almost shouts

"Yes Simon, we know your hatred to one another, but this is the only available spot and you have to respect the monarchy of your own"

Simon puts on a confused face and scoffs, opening his hand for the key, the teacher hands it over to him

Simon knocks on the door before getting in so he won't come in unexpectedly, especially to Wille.

"What the fu- oh it's you, how did you came in without a key?" Wille stands from his bed

Simon raises his hand, dangling the key in it

"No." Wille eyes in fear

"Afraid so" Simon shrugs

"Wait your a border now?"

"Unexpected envelope in the mail" Simon keeps his stuff around a corner

"Maybe ask Sara and Felice? They were all sad that you couldn't stay and had to leave because you don't have a bed your own" Wille lays down on his bed

"Sara and Felice?"

"Did I stutter?" Wille answers annoyed

Simon raise his two hands up in defence "Okay okay, might as well unpack first, would I?"


Simon knocks at the girls open door frame making sure that they know he's here

"Hey you!" Sara faces him smiling "Whats up? Uhh and your a border now?"

"Yup, and by that you know already so early, you made me a border?"

"Ahh shit I forgot to tell you did I?" Sara laughs "Uhh you okay with it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Haven't really experienced it yet, but sure it'll be fun!" Simon smiles

"You sure?"


"Your totally okay with me giving you an unexpected something"

"It's not a really big deal anyways

A moment of silence happens for a small while, Sara tried to scan his face checking and double checking his face

"I should a?-" Simon points at the door behind him

"Yeah yeah, meet you at class tomorrow?" Sara nods and tilts her head in question

"Yeah, meet you in-" Simons sentence gets interrupted by his phone ringtone in his pocket. Simon looks at it and reads the name

"Who is it?" Sara questions

"It's mama" he respond before picking it up "Hey mama what's up"

Inaudible voices, short answers, and a confused and low-key happy face from Simon

"What's with the face?" Sara noticed the expression on his face

Simon chuckles "I got the job!"

A bit short one but I worte this overnight so yeah

Were getting waitress/counter/or whatever Simon next chapter so stay tuned!!!

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